View Full Version : I need sealed but not slick!

08-22-2007, 02:15 PM
I need to seal an area but not have it slick. The reason is I removed the badges (stick-on) and want to seal the area before I re-stick the Badges. I`m currently using Zaino. Does anyone think if I do Z2pro wait 24 hrs than give it a quick wipe with diluted Alcohol it will not remove all the protection and leave me a surface the Badges will stick to?

Setec Astronomy
08-22-2007, 02:18 PM
Put the badge on first then seal the area. You are asking for trouble if you put any sealant on before you stick.

08-22-2007, 02:19 PM
I need to seal an area but not have it slick. The reason is I removed the badges (stick-on) and want to seal the area before I re-stick the Badges on. I`m currently using Zaino. Does anyone think if I do Z2pro wait 24 hrs than give it a quick wipe with diluted Alcohol it will not remove all the protection and leave me a surface the Badges will stick to?

You don`t want to seal before you stick anything on. You want to strip the sealant and waxes off with alcohol or something then stick it on.