View Full Version : Suggestions for my Subaru

08-10-2007, 03:16 PM
I have searched and didn`t find much info about people detailing Subaru`s.

From the research I have done, I got the feeling subaru isn`t known for having the best paint. The biggest thing I noted from subaru owners is that the paint is really thin. But I have no experience or knowledge beyond what I have at this time.

My car has a few paint defects and a ton of rock chips all over my hood (I get to thank the state of Oregon for using large rocks on the roads in the winter)

Anyway what products would people suggest for my blue Subaru? My goal you ask? take out the swirls and scratches without causing damage, make it look good (show car good not needed), and most importantly have it be protected as it`s my daily driver.

heres a pic:


Thanks a lot to everyone who has been reading and replying to my threads. :)


08-13-2007, 06:41 PM
Ok so I finally got to use my PC this weekend. Thanks to everyone who answered some of my questions last week.

Here is a summary of what I did this weekend, but I am looking for suggestions of improvements and products to use (either better then I am using, alternatives, or ones I am missing).


1 - Pressure wash the car

2 - Wash the wheels and tires - I used the two bucket technique with Megs Gold Class, Megs Wheel Face Brush, Megs Tire brush and Megs hot wheel cleaner. I also added soap to water and stir vs soap in bucket and spraying.

3 - Rinse Wheels

4 - Wash exterior (paint) - two bucket (not wheel ones) with Megs Gold Class and Megs Deep Pile Chenille Wash Mitt with a "Jiggly" motion

5 - Rinse Car (removed sprayer and let flow off car)


1 - Dried with a Megs synthetic chamois (I normally use a Meg`s MF + WW, but I wanted to try this out as I had it). I think I like the MF + WW better


1 - Clayed whole care except rear bumper which just had the skin replaced (ie new paint) this winter). I used Meg`s quick detailer for lubricant and Meg`s clay. It was pulling 7 years of build up off really well (I was impressed claying for the first time). I checked it often and reformed it often). I dropped it with two doors to go, so I got out the other megs clay to finish and retired the clay that touched the ground (it did pickup some ground dirt :()

I don`t plan on claying again soon (the soonest I will do it is 6 months from now). Here is where I would like suggestions. What do I do next? Polish out swirls? then Clean the paint with something like KAIO? Then polish with a glaze or filler? then wax?

after claying I wanted to use my PC and get some time in without doing anything too agressive. until I felt more comfortable. So I tackled my hood. I ended up deciding to use a megs Polishing Pad with #6 Glaze. I did small areas (I think I broke my hood up to about 6 areas). I applied a circle of glaze on the pad. pressed the pad on the area. set it to 2 and spread it around. Set it to 5 and did that for a while until it got hazy. Then I buffed it off by hand with a Megs Terry. After finishing the hood I then used a megs finishing pad and Megs Yellow Wax (#26) and applied the wax in the same way.

The hood looks nice and shiny, I was fairly happy with how it came out. I got a bunch of pics at different points. So I realize I didn`t use anything with any cutting ability. I also question whether I used too much glaze and wax and if I did it long enough to let the wax/polish break (I think thats what is called). Any tips here?

Here is a pick of the final hood. I posted this one as I have the flash on and it show one of the things I need to fix.


Anyone know what that spot might be? Would setting up to a swirl remover (like #9) help that spot? or do I need to get more aggressive? Also I posted this as the flash shows so swirls. I can`t seem them just looking (it was an over cast day), but obviously they are there. What would help clean that up?

Here is about 3/4 of my cleaning chemicals and what I have to work with:


I am eager to learn and very open to ideas/suggestions. I am also open to trying out different products to find out what works best in different situations. At this time I am doing this for me an my cars. I need a hobby outside of computers and maybe something I can do in the future that I enjoy.



PS - Sorry for the novel, I will try to keep it shorter next time. :(

08-13-2007, 06:52 PM
hey there fellow 2.5 RS owner...please tell me you`re on RS25.com :cool:

Anyway, I`m in exactly the same boat as you. Same car, same color and I have "spots" just like yours mostly on my roof. It is true that subaru paint is "soft" so to speak, but like any other car you want to start with the lightest cut possible and see how well that works, then step it up from there. I went on a buying spree for my PC and got 5 foam pads, optimum compound, optimum polish, klasse AIO, two glazes, collinite 845(for winter) and natty`s blue for a great look. After much research this seems to be a great combo so I`m eager to use all of my products, I just haven`t had the time yet.

Since we`re both doing the same thing would it be O.k. with you if I posted my results in here rather than starting a new thread? If so the only problem is finding time to go through the whole process lol.

08-13-2007, 06:58 PM
Cool. I haven`t been on any of the subaru forums in a long long time. After a whole ton of drama I have stayed away. maybe I will go back and check-in again.

Feel free to post any updates here in this thread. I didn`t want to make another thread so I was just going to use this one to document what I was doing and look for suggestions and learnings. When you run your process please post what you did. I would love to see it and what you use in what order.

I know I am megs product heavy and that just cause thats what is the easiest stuff to get localy and what I was buying before I found detailing. I will be working at diversifying my stuff, but I have all that megs stuff so I am trying to use it and learn. I did just get some KAIO and KSG, but after reading how you really need to do the KSG thin, it scared me off until I get more experience I think I will avoid it, but I will try the KAIO I think next time I detail.


08-13-2007, 06:59 PM
Just for reference http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k6/VolantGC8/SonicMeet069.jpg

08-13-2007, 07:02 PM
Yea, I know what you mean about using your stuff and being scared of the more aggressive things on top of it. I plan on using a mild cut LC pad and some optimum polish first since I have a lot of micromarring. That shoudl take out a majority of the things and then for the bigger scratches/abrasions I plan on using the optimum compound and still a light cut pad just to let the prodcut do the work since its only small 3x3inch sections that are worse than regular scratches. I`ll keep up to date as much as possible.

BTW RS25.com has been very good and drama free. While I haven`t posted as much recently, there a lot of great new products coming out from vendors and the information is very good.
