View Full Version : Newbie with a couple of questions

08-10-2007, 12:58 AM
Hi my names Paul im 16 and totaly new to cars and forums. Im just pondering the idea of starting a mobile car detailing bussiness and have some ?s.

First if i used the new ONE product from CG would that do a decent enough job for a customer

If I used cheap microfiber towels from coscto do you think they would scratch a car

Has anyone tryed SILK SHINE SPRAYABLE DRESSING NATURAL SHINE Dressing+Protectant (1 Gal) It says it can be used pretty much anywhere so is it any good?


08-10-2007, 07:50 AM
ONE would not work on everything but it should cover most cars. It is rather expensive, though, and I would not consider it for my main product. You could, however, alternatively use ONR (or even use both) to tackle pretty much any job.

I use those costco MFs for interior, engine, glass, and wheels, I will not use them for the paint. I only use lambwool mitts for washing (or MF chenile, or Grout Sponge) and use a WW Mf to dry the car.

08-10-2007, 10:30 AM
Don`t take this the wrong way but your not ready to start a detailng business if your asking such basic questions such as this. In order to be successful in anything in life, you need to be very good at it. Otherwise you`ll get a few jobs but no repeat customers. Don`t waste your money buying all the gear if you don`t have the skill level to market them properly. Let me give you an example of what I mean. If I took my corvette to you and you used cheap microfibers that scratched the finish, then I would NEVER go back to you and NEVER recommend you either. See the pattern?


08-10-2007, 10:53 AM
Ouch! A little harsh but there is truth to it.

The meaning of "detailing" is very vague and I get all kinds of people calling me. I get the typical, "What?? $200 to get my car cleaned??" to the "Wow, you wash, clay, polish, and wax for only $500?". My point is that detailing means different things to different people.

Choose your customer niche wisely and focus on volume or quality. Profit can be attained with either one when done right. Let me just anticipate that you will find trouble going to the enthusiast market being young.