View Full Version : Foam Solution Mixing Methods

08-08-2007, 08:21 AM
I finally had a chance to try out the foam cannon that I got through the groupbuy here on the board. Holy mackeral, this thing is so much fun! :waxing: I will be getting a larger holder for the cleaning solution, however this is also where my question lies.

Where do I find out how much cleaning product to mix with water for the correct foam amount? Is this simply trial and error? All I did was add a bit of Megs GC to the bottle, and filled the rest with water.

Any help would be appreciated!


jimmie jam
08-08-2007, 02:27 PM
that`s how i do it. i`m still reducing the amount of soap and getting the same foam result. i`m finding that i do not need nearly as much soap as i thought! :idea

08-09-2007, 03:25 AM
yeah, I agree. I ended up putting some cheap-o Armor All Car Wash liquid just about a half an inch deep in my new larger sprayer size bottle and filled the rest with water. Foamed just the same, just needed to open it up a bit more on the control knob.

08-09-2007, 04:11 AM
Mine should be delivered some time this afternoon. Hopefully time will permit me to give it a try, but I`m highly doubtful of that.

I got some NXT I need to use up.

Harry Houdini
08-09-2007, 09:38 AM
What pressure washers you guys using it with? and where do you get the lance and rest

of the good stuff?

I really have been doing extensive research on this, and ordered a lace from detailing world but they have not send it nor refunded me for it. so I filed a claim with my CC company.

Any suppliers here in the US would be great info, thanks!