View Full Version : Meguiar`s foam pads ok? Ok to store Meguiar`s QD in hot trunk?

08-07-2007, 05:04 PM
Hello, I`m new to the forum and have two somewhat dumb, basic questions.

First off, are the Meguiar`s foam applicator pads ok to use to apply polish (Zaino AIO and Zaino Z2 Pro)?

Second, my car is black and I live in Texas. I always want to carry around some quick detailer in case I get hit by bird poop. Is it ok to use quick detailer that has been cooking in a 100+ degree trunk for weeks? Does the prolonged exposure to heat have an effect on the quick detailer (it`s Meguiars also if that matters)?

Thanks for the help.

08-07-2007, 05:09 PM
Yes. The Meguiars foam applicators are quite nice for application. Do note that Z2 is not considered a polish, but rather a sealant. Polishes are used for paint correction.

The quick detailer (QD) should be fine. It`s the freezing temperatures that affect the products.

08-07-2007, 07:30 PM
The Meq UQD has something in it that makes the container expand in the heat.

Had it in my trunk in FL and it looks like it wants to burst at the seams!!!!

08-07-2007, 07:34 PM
Second, my car is black and I live in Texas. I always want to carry around some quick detailer in case I get hit by bird poop. Is it ok to use quick detailer that has been cooking in a 100+ degree trunk for weeks? Does the prolonged exposure to heat have an effect on the quick detailer (it`s Meguiars also if that matters)?

Never had any problems keeping the QD on the floor of my black car in the Texas heat. I keep a bottle of NXT detailing spray at the ready and have never seen any ill-effects from the heat exposure. Now using it on a boiling hot surface, that`s a different story...

08-07-2007, 09:01 PM
Yeah, Zaino really needs to change their description to "Show Car Sealant". It`s just way too confusing, as it is not a "polish".

As for keeping a QD around for quick bird poop cleaning, I think I`d go with ONR mixed at QD strength. Much less chance of inducing marring when you`re going after bird poop on a dusty or dirty car.