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08-07-2007, 02:24 AM
This is a dumb question,

I don`t know where i heard this but after being on this site a few months I know I am under some sort of misconception. I believe the body guy I used to work for (who knew less then me) led me to believe that wool pads are outdated and unnecessary. Thus, I have been using foam for everything, which has worked out just fine. But I see all the really good detailers, the pro`s, using wool and I can`t help but wonder if I am missing out on something. So what about wool, whats its uses, why use it, benefits over foam,... just want to learn about the strenghts and weaknesses I guess?

Inform me,

DG :waxing:

08-07-2007, 03:45 AM
I believe it`s strengths are it cuts faster and at speed, has the grunt to mow down those ******* scratches and acid rain marks.

It`s also easier to work with. Strong LC foam pads tend to be hard to manouvere due to the stiffness of the material. A wool pad just glides along and gets those marks out that foam can struggle with

I used a foamed wool pad today on a shagged WRX roof. Took it all out with prima swirl and 1000 rpm. No holograms and only a little tiny bit of mess from the pad

Use it when a yellow foam pad doesn`t do the job, even with a strong leveler or compound.

Great for severe oxidation removal and a must have when working on 60`s to 80`s singe stage paints that are chalky.

If your after completely flawless results on a really nasty super swirled/scratched paint job, 100% twisted wool and foamed wool pads on hand will make it possible.

08-07-2007, 06:55 AM
Are you using a PC or rotary? With a rotary I like the green edge wool alot with Presta 1500 polish. This will still require follow up with a foam pad to remove any holograms.

I do all of my cutting with wool and finishing with foam.

08-07-2007, 07:21 AM
Yea your body guy has no clue. Wool is still very much used and extreamly useful. Foam pads have their place but I would never get rid of a wool pad for a foam pad. Wool pads work faster. Are a lot more durable. easily handled, And are beyond any doubt a proven technology. I tend to use foam pads for final work only. Even if foam can cut it`s just faster and easy to use the wool pads.

08-07-2007, 08:55 AM
wool cuts better than foam cutting pads. The polish sticks to the stands which are dragged along the surface of the paint rounding the edges off scratches and defects.

08-07-2007, 09:11 AM
In my experience (and I know others here have a LOT more than I) .... wool cuts faster, seems to polish "deeper" (I can`t explain this, just a gut feel), runs cooler, and glides easier where foam can sometimes hop or chatter. Like many other here, I prefer wool for cutting and correcting, but I almost always finish with foam.

08-07-2007, 09:23 AM
I used a foamed wool pad today on a shagged WRX roof. Took it all out with prima swirl and 1000 rpm. No holograms and only a little tiny bit of mess from the pad

Use it when a yellow foam pad doesn`t do the job, even with a strong leveler or compound.


that`s some serious aggression being thrown at soft as can be subie paint.

08-07-2007, 11:07 AM
that`s some serious aggression being thrown at soft as can be subie paint.

But possibly quite necessary. It`s hard to second-guess someone`s pad and polish choice without actually seeing the paint involved, don`t you think?

08-07-2007, 11:50 AM
Back in the day all i could get was twisted wool, extreme cutting along with holograms. Moved to foam and now back into polishing wool.

Sir Waxalot
08-07-2007, 12:04 PM
Wools pads are far better at cutting paint faster than foam. Just be sure to spur the wool fibers when it loads up with product.

08-07-2007, 12:07 PM
I use wool all the time. It cuts faster and it is easier to manuver for the deeper cutting steps.

Paulie Walnuts
08-07-2007, 12:42 PM
So what are the good wool pads to get now? Can someone provide a link please?

08-07-2007, 12:49 PM
So what are the good wool pads to get now? Can someone provide a link please?

IMO edge2K is the best way to go

08-07-2007, 12:52 PM
i am using the yellow, green and blue edge 8" wools pads and really enjoying them.

Paulie Walnuts
08-07-2007, 12:57 PM
IMO edge2K is the best way to goBest pad without the edge system