View Full Version : Rant-Need new DA Pads - NO EDGE PADS!!!!
Below Reality
06-10-2005, 08:37 PM
Either I`ve just had a completely horrid night or there`s an issue with the 6" Edge Classic DA Pads.
Enough of an issue that I could not complete my detail this evening.
While using the PC tonight, I lost 4 Edge Pads to the same problem; their hook & loop backing separating from the foam.
1 yellow medium cut
2 green light cut
1 blue finish
I generally run the PC at 4.5 - 5 on a regular basis and was using light pressure and slow movements. Products I was using were SSR 2.5,SSR 2, AIO.
Luckily I was able to stop the PC and get it away from the vehicle before it could do any damage, but within the first 3 minutes of use with the above 4 Edge Pads, the hook and loop backing separated from the foam, completely ruining the pad.
Needless to say at nearly $10 a pop, I`m a little beyond p*ssed off right now.
Enough so that I am completely done with Edge Pads.
Nothing further.
Now that`s out of the way, I need to replace these pads with some of incredibly better quality and durability. Pads that are effective, and could hold up to the PC at an amazing speed of 8 if it existed.
In short - I want new 6" pads (hook & loop back preferred) that will hold up to nearly anything I throw at them - within their intended use.
Lake Country
Or what?
What`s out there that will fit my requirements, and where do I find them?
Mucho Appreciated. ;)
06-10-2005, 08:43 PM
Below Reality,
Your frustration is understood. However, if you contact the folks at Edge, I`d be willing to bet that they will make it "more than right" for you.
With that said, I`ve never had any problems with the Meguiar`s pads coming apart at the velcro... even though I wash them, which Meguiar`s does NOT recommend.
I`ve also heard great things about the LC variable contact pads... and they will be my next pads to try.
Can`t speak on the Sonus pads, as I haven`t had the chance to try them, and it`s been years since I`ve used 3M pads.
06-10-2005, 09:53 PM
I`ll echo Boss`s recommendation to contact Aaron at Edge pads. There was an issue with their original 6" classic pads where the foam was not strong enough to withstand the jarring of a random orbital PC. The pads were redesigned with "Durafoam" materials. I experienced the tearing problem with my original pads, and the folks at Edge allowed me to exchange them for the new models free of charge.
If you want to try a different manufacturer`s pads, Lake Country has served me well. The 7.5" curved edge models are very versatile and durable.
06-10-2005, 10:15 PM
Well i would highly reccomend lake countries 7.5" variable contact pads. They work very nicely. You will need a 6" BP to run them. I have found that they dont really sling and they minimize shaking of the PC. My only problem is that my cutting pad is really shredded up and is beyond unusable now. I have only had it for about 4 months. I am going to see if lake country will hook me up with a new one but i dont really care if they dont want to because i have gotten good use out of it. Also after about 4 to 5 months of use on my pads they white inside were the BP fits is starting to come loose of the pad. I use these pads alot so I think that is expected.
06-11-2005, 06:49 AM
My only problem is that my cutting pad is really shredded up and is beyond unusable now. I have only had it for about 4 months. I am going to see if lake country will hook me up with a new one but i dont really care if they dont want to because i have gotten good use out of it. Also after about 4 to 5 months of use on my pads they white inside were the BP fits is starting to come loose of the pad. I use these pads alot so I think that is expected.
Not sure how often you use the pads, but you want to keep in mind that the normal life of most pads is probably somewhere between 10 - 20 uses... depending on how it was used and with what products.
At least, that`s what I`ve always found? :dunno
Sonus pads and Propel pads are the same. Therfore, the cheapest propel pads can be found HERE ( I`ve never had any problems with the Propel pads. They are of excellent quality IMO.
06-11-2005, 08:36 AM
Boss - The pads have seen the end of there day. I hvae used them many times. I got alot of good strong use from them. And have ordered 3 more polishing and 1 more light cutting from autogeek yesterday.
06-18-2005, 12:44 PM
Problems with Edge pads
Dear Sir,
I came across your post but I have not had a call from you regarding this yet. Please give us the chance to replace the pads to you . I don`t know when or what version those pads were made from and we have made many many improvments to our pads since we started making them. Keep in mind our pads were initially made for the rotary and the glue works great for that application. By popular request we began to make 6 inch pads and people began using them on the PC. That machine had a very different action which the glue would not withstand. We now have no problems and can totally replace the defective pads to you at no charge. Please take a digital picture of the pads and email them to me right away. I will send out new ones immediatly.
looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Aaron Krause (President & CEO)
Dedication To Detail, Inc.
777 Henderson Blvd.
Suites # 1 & 2
Folcroft, PA 19032
Phone: (610) 583-4883
06-19-2005, 07:45 AM
Aaron just helped me out after having the same problem as you. He replaced all 4 of my pads at no cost and with speedy delivery. Thanks again