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07-29-2007, 11:23 PM
I normally clay with lube or ONR, but I decided to try soap and water to save a buck and my yellow clay started to turn into mush after one use. Is this normal ?

07-29-2007, 11:28 PM
How much soap did you use? I`ve used water with a few drops of soap many times without any problems. I`ve tried a few spray waxes before (just experimenting) which caused the clay to turn to mush.

07-29-2007, 11:30 PM
How much soap did you use? I`ve used water with a few drops of soap many times without any problems. I`ve tried a few spray waxes before (just experimenting) which caused the clay to turn to mush.

It was the same amount for washing the car, I just used the soap left over from the wash. I guess thats too much soap ! :sadwavey:

07-29-2007, 11:32 PM
Ive always heard that soap will do that. Ive never tried it for that very reason.

07-30-2007, 12:05 AM
what clay are you using?

I use Megs meduim and aggr. clay with soap and water with no ill effects....

Eliot Ness
07-30-2007, 12:20 AM
Is it is the "good" yellow clay that we (in the states) can`t get anymore? I just used some of my "good" yellow clay a couple of weeks ago with car wash solution (my preferred method) with no problems. I think I was using Z-7 car wash at the time but usually use Poorboy`s S,S,&S and my clay (still using the "good" stuff) never gets mushy.

07-30-2007, 01:38 AM
Some Clays react differently to different soaps. I usually recommend using only clay lubes for clay but I myself am guilty of trying what soapy water. I found that some clay will degrade with soapy water but it was soap dependant. An example is when I used Meguiars Clay with Meguiars Gold Class Soap, it crumbled. The same Meguiar`s clay with Poorboy`s Super Slick and Suds....No crumbling (But I used less soap/water ratio). Like mentioned, if there is too much soap it will likely do just as it did, next time try just a few drops of soap per gallon. One certainty I have found is I have never had a Claybar crumble or turn to mush using a Clay lube!

07-30-2007, 01:50 AM
Using the consumer grade Meg`s clay and a regularly diluted NXT wash solution has made my clay crumble before.

07-30-2007, 06:54 AM
It depends on the clay and the soap. Some soaps degreasers react and breakdown the clay. I stoppe dusing soap and water a long time ago. I would stick to a clay lube or quick detailer.

07-30-2007, 08:41 AM
I`ve had it happen with Mothers clay and Megs GC soap before.

07-30-2007, 08:49 AM
I had it happen with Clay Magic blue bar and Megs Deep Crystal. Ran out of lube in the middle of claying. Ordered a gal. of lube so it doesn`t happen again.

Oh, I don`t use the Megs wash. It was a gift and just sitting there.

07-30-2007, 09:53 AM
I`ve had it happen with Mothers clay and Megs GC soap before.

That`s weird. Since I clayed the first time with QD spray, I`ve switched to using Meguiars GC + Mothers clay. The same half clay bar has been used multiple times, and I haven`t seen any disintegration whatsoever.

07-30-2007, 12:22 PM
Is it is the "good" yellow clay that we (in the states) can`t get anymore?

Yes, its that "good" stuff ! ...LoL Its funny to see it is good one second and then instantly turn into mush.

Thanks Chris and Greg for your inputs !

I guess theres too much variables to this and with the cost of clay its not worth wasting it. So I will continue using ONR. Its just using soap is convinent right after a wash.

07-30-2007, 12:44 PM
How is it more convenient? I never understood that.

Is picking up a bottle of QD that is most likely no more than 10ft away from you that much of an inconvenience?

07-30-2007, 12:59 PM
How is it more convenient? I never understood that.

Noting that I stick with the dedicated clay lube (for various reasons including the disintegration issue), I did find it handy to clay with wash solution. I`d keep a blob of clay stuck to the rim of my wash bucket (or to the indentifying clip on my rinse bucket),then I`d just grap it, dunk it, and clay. It really was *VERY* handy for claying while washing, especially for little spot-claying jobs.

But no, it`s not all *that* much better than sticking the blob of clay to the top of the lube bottle and hanging said bottle on the rim of one of the buckets. And the befefits I glean from using clay lube outweigh the convenience (and cost savings) of just using shampoo.