View Full Version : Application of Wax by Hand Massage.. feedback

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Deep Gloss Auto Salon
07-22-2007, 12:03 AM
Today I was waxing rims with 845IW and decided to throw on some mf gloves and massage it in by hand.. It was awesome, nothing like it.

Soo my question is, can this be done by hand, I knowmost have seen the video of the guy doing exotics by this method.

obviously I am proposing doing this with my bare hands as I would not let those mf`s gloves touch my paint.

So I really want to do this, it just felt right... feed back please



07-22-2007, 12:14 AM
I`ve done several cars with my barehands. I also to parts of almost every car with my fingertips or hands. I`ve had no problems at all doing it that way.

07-22-2007, 12:17 AM
There are certain reasons why some products go on by hand and others by foam pad etc.

Im not sure how nice IW is on your skin, its quite solvent smelling and i cant think it would do you any favours.

Deep Gloss Auto Salon
07-22-2007, 12:38 AM
There are certain reasons why some products go on by hand and others by foam pad etc.

Im not sure how nice IW is on your skin, its quite solvent smelling and i cant think it would do you any favours.

You are correct, I was wearing latex under the mf..

07-22-2007, 02:56 AM
Soo my question is, can this be done by hand, I knowmost have seen the video of the guy doing exotics by this method.

I`ve used Collinite 476S by bare hand on both exterior paint and wheels on my car without ill-effect...from what I can see. I`m currently using Victoria Wax on my paint and its applied by bare hand also. The only time I`m using an applicator is when I`m applying Klasse AIO. But then again, these are the only waxes/sealants I`ve been using.

The reason why you apply certain waxes by hand is because of the ingredients that`s been mixed with the carnauba, not necessarily because it`s the best delivery method. Waxes like Zymol needs to be "melted" down a bit in order for the wax to "activate" and help the wax bond properly on the paint. This is not necesssary on Collinite waxes as their delivery method differs, along with the compositional makeup of their waxes. I personally don`t mind as it helps me gauge how well/poorly I clayed my car. :)

07-22-2007, 03:35 AM
I would not use Collinite with my bare hands. Victoria wax? Yes.

07-22-2007, 09:09 AM
The wax should be a pure carnauba. I say this because the majority of waxes on the market are cleaner waxes, which contain agents (some non abrasive, and some slightly abrasive) that strip dirt and contaminants. The pure carnauba will be the best product that will not strip or scour your paint surface, which could be induced by direct hand pressure.

Additionally, you should not rub hard or "work in" any lsp. It should glide very easily over the paint. If you feel safe with mf gloves, then by all means. One of my little added tricks when I use my EGZymol wax (which requires application by bare hand) is to use soft latex gloves. Latex gloves are effective because the fabric will not scratch, and will prevent wax from soaking into your hands. Add to it, it also helps prevent accidental marring from scaly or rough palms and from finger nails.

Hope this helps.

07-22-2007, 11:10 AM
Concern over solvents within wax affecting my bare hands is a non-issue as I am accustomed to greasy hands from engine work. My concern with bare-hand waxing would be snagging or cutting my skin on any protuberences/sharp edges on and around the trim of my vehicles.

07-22-2007, 11:41 AM
Really? Like taking some wax in your palm and just wiping it on, is that what you`re talking about? Wow, that would never in a million years occur to me. What`s the benefit? I thought `by hand` meant without a machine, it didn`t occur to me that it meant without an applicator.

Learn something new every time I come here. I`m not going to try it, (but mostly because I`m a freak about keeping my heands clean while I`m working.) But I am very curious now.

07-22-2007, 01:52 PM
What`s the benefit?

FitSport explained this earlier.

The reason why you apply certain waxes by hand is because of the ingredients that`s been mixed with the carnauba, not necessarily because it`s the best delivery method. Waxes like Zymol needs to be "melted" down a bit in order for the wax to "activate" and help the wax bond properly on the paint. This is not necesssary on Collinite waxes as their delivery method differs, along with the compositional makeup of their waxes. I personally don`t mind as it helps me gauge how well/poorly I clayed my car.

07-22-2007, 02:32 PM
..One of my little added tricks when I use my EGZymol wax (which requires application by bare hand) is to use soft latex gloves. Latex gloves are effective..

Heh heh, there goes one of my excuses for not trying the EG`s huh ;) :o

OK..latest excuse: there are areas on the XJS that I have to do with long, thin swabs; couldn`t get to `em by hand. Heh heh..."so do those out-of-the-way spots with another product" huh?

And then there`s the whole "how user-friendly is HD Cleanse?" thing...hey, it`s starting to sound like I`m grasping at straws, huh? Next thing, I`ll be whining about the cost of the stuff :D

..you should not.. "work in" any lsp..

Guess it`s a fine line as to what is "working in", but I do like to work #16 a good bit when applying it by Cyclo; too mild an application technique and it doesn`t do its "turn liquid" thing. Wouldn`t want to overdo it over a glaze though, that`s for sure...

07-22-2007, 02:47 PM
[quote name=`Accumulator`]Heh heh, there goes one of my excuses for not trying the EG`s huh ;) :o

OK..latest excuse: there are areas on the XJS that I have to do with long, thin swabs; couldn`t get to `em by hand. Heh heh..."so do those out-of-the-way spots with another product" huh?

And then there`s the whole "how user-friendly is HD Cleanse?" thing...hey, it`s starting to sound like I`m grasping at straws, huh? Next thing, I`ll be whining about the cost of the stuff :D

I don`t use HD Cleanse Accumulator pal.........hehe bwwahhahahahaha!!! Try again.

Don`t worry.......eventually........in due time.......!!! I can wait!!!

07-22-2007, 03:54 PM

In respect to Zymol i was lead to believe as well as activating "Zymes" the waxes with the high white nuba content need handling to make them softer and more applyable.

Also with Zymol, i think they use more natural means to keep the nuba soft (oils rather then chemicals) applying them with a foam app. would absorb some of this oil prehapes making it look it less good or apply so well or last so long. I notice some Zymol detailers say they prefer foam apps. with these products, well personally i think they do not want to wait 3 hrs in warm climates to buff the car a second time to remove the excess oils which are sometimes secreted.

You may find that some waxes which are softened by chemicals require the foam app. to obsorb some of these chemicals instead of them going on to the paintwork.


07-22-2007, 06:35 PM

In respect to Zymol i was lead to believe as well as activating "Zymes" the waxes with the high white nuba content need handling to make them softer and more applyable.

Also with Zymol, i think they use more natural means to keep the nuba soft (oils rather then chemicals) applying them with a foam app. would absorb some of this oil prehapes making it look it less good or apply so well or last so long. I notice some Zymol detailers say they prefer foam apps. with these products, well personally i think they do not want to wait 3 hrs in warm climates to buff the car a second time to remove the excess oils which are sometimes secreted.

You may find that some waxes which are softened by chemicals require the foam app. to obsorb some of these chemicals instead of them going on to the paintwork.


I think that applying by hand offers a great marketing gimick towards certain types of customers, and it is something I would like to employ.

Has anyone tried using any of the CG waxes (53 or 50/50) by hand?

Granted your using a MF Glove, how do you know when to reapply more wax?

Deep Gloss Auto Salon
07-22-2007, 07:01 PM
For those that are concerned about product getting in hands I was using and will be using latex gloves.

I did not and will not use mf`s gloves on my paint or anyones car I do, it just simply is not good enough for paint.

I did and will use mf`s gloves on my rims with ltex underneath the mf gloves.

I really liked the way it felt while doing my rims - and why I started this thread. It just felt so right, every nook and cranny. I had alot more control of how much product I was using and how it went on. I would say it was an ever so gentle massage motion.

I think I will be doing this the next time I put pure carnuba down on.
