View Full Version : Pad suggestions for PC application of Optimum line

Deep Gloss Auto Salon
07-18-2007, 11:54 PM
Well I purchased a pc and the optimum line (OP, OC, OHC, OPS, OCW).

I am going to also buy the 5" pads (LC CCS) with the 3.5" backing plate.

What pads will I need for different types of correction?

I`m not trying to be cheap but then I am don`t want to spend more than I need to. Just looking for an all around set up to handle diff paints.

Basically I don`t want to have to place another order and, also don`t want to go overboard

Also, what smaller/bigger than the 5" pad / 3.5" backing plate combo? Just want to make sure I cover all my bases.

What do you use to clean your pads, any brushes?


07-19-2007, 01:03 AM
Good choice with the 5" CCS.

If its for just your personal car you *could* get away with one of each, but I would reccomend at least two. That way you don`t have to clean a pad mid detail, backup, etc.

I would get an orange, green, and white for the bare essentials. Add a blue or black if you apply waxes or sealants or have soft paint for finishing. Then multiply by 2 or 3 and you should be set. FWIW, i can`t tell much of a difference between yellow and orange.

I think Danase has a mix and match deal for $40-50. Its a good deal.

Wait, I assume you mean for a PC. If my assumption is correct you shouldn`t need anyother size pads unless you want 4" CCS. I personally like the 5" BP better with the 5" pads but theres not much room for error. Both BP are good, especially if you want 4" as well, in that case the 3.xx will work for both.

I use an old toothbrush sometimes. For cleaning I use the DP polishing pad rej. I think its like $25 for 2 lbs. from autogeek. It works great and I also add a 1/4-1/2 scoop when I wash my MF`s. I find rather than cleaning a caked pad, I keep a bucket of the DP solution, toss them in, grab another pad, and when thats caked, I grab the other pad out of the bucket, rinse, and go to work.