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07-17-2007, 03:34 PM
I am wondering if anyone else gets strange looks from neighbors or passers by when you`re out detailing your own car?? Most of my neighbors know I have a pretty cushy job in the movie industry and find it strange that I wash and detail my own car - the norm in the neighborhood is to take your car through a car wash once a month.

While Im out there every weekend (on average) washing and every few months I roll out my rubbermaid cart with polishes, rags and polishers {DA & rotary} the looks I get are hilarious. Many times I have had passers by stop in front of my house, get out of their cars, inspect my work then ask me for a business card - I then ask "oh you`re in need of a VP of Finance are you?" they look at me puzzled then figure out I`m not a hired auto detailer. I`ll tell you, if I was a detailer I would have had quite a book of business going from just those that stop.

My favorite phrase to use on these folks is one I picked up on by reading this BB about 1 year ago, I tell people that "washing and detailing my own cars is my golf."

07-17-2007, 03:49 PM
No looks so far, but there`s always the usual "Why waste your time and money doing that? The auto carwash is only $5." I don`t really understand that economic logic though as some Gold Class soap will cost me ~$10 but I get way more than 2 washes out of it (compared to using the auto carwash).

I`m willing to bet these are the people that also spend $500+ on miracle sealant from the car dealer whereas my sealant costs ~$20 on average. Seems to make sense to them though.

07-17-2007, 03:51 PM
My neighbors know I`m nuts...

07-17-2007, 03:55 PM
When they think you`re crazy they don`t expect anything from you. I like it that way.

Everyone expects everything from me at my regular job.

Deep Gloss Auto Salon
07-17-2007, 03:56 PM
People always come up and ask what I am doing during the taping process...

Others must think I`m nuts because they look but don`t aks questions.

I think they understand what`s going on because they see me working on vehicles that do not belong to me.. who knows what`s going through their heads

Old Pirate
07-17-2007, 04:03 PM
My neighbor`s also think i`m loco, but they ask if I`ll do theirs (for free). Then i just say that i`m not loco.

07-17-2007, 04:09 PM
No looks so far, but there`s always the usual "Why waste your time and money doing that? The auto carwash is only $5." I don`t really understand that economic logic though as some Gold Class soap will cost me ~$10 but I get way more than 2 washes out of it (compared to using the auto carwash).

I`m willing to bet these are the people that also spend $500+ on miracle sealant from the car dealer whereas my sealant costs ~$20 on average. Seems to make sense to them though.

For the majority of people, they can`t see or don`t care about the difference. For many though, time is money and if the local car wash can wash your car for only $5 by using cheap labor (a.k.a. illegal Mexicans) to do the work, why would they want to spend an hour washing their own car when their time is worth more than the cost of the car wash.

For those that have higher standards though, we`re willing to spend our own time and money to do things properly.

07-17-2007, 04:29 PM
Mine think I went over the top the other day when I was taking pictures of my truck to post in the click & brag section....... But they all compliment me on how good my cars always look....and ask for a freebie......

It was mopping my painted garage floor that really made them think I was crazy...... :getdown

07-17-2007, 04:37 PM
That`s just great. I`m with you on the golf comparison. I don`t play golf much and when I do it`s not relaxing at all. On the other hand detailing is great.

07-17-2007, 04:51 PM
When they think you`re crazy they don`t expect anything from you. I like it that way.

J.J. Thats so awesome!! I was rollin when I read that!!! I know what you mean!!

07-17-2007, 05:11 PM
I`ve had a couple people ask me how I got the car so shiny but other than that not much. No one has said anything to me at the local wand wash when I pull the two buckets out and the mitts. I do get more than a few looks though.

07-17-2007, 05:14 PM
Yeah, I get lots of funny looks and comments, but mostly from my wife.

I found that my cars got a lot more attention before golf season; not so much now:(

07-17-2007, 05:19 PM
I have actually noticed a couple of my neighbors in the past couple of months detailing their cars. Shocking I tell you, shocking. But, one of them has moved since then.

07-17-2007, 05:52 PM
For the majority of people, they can`t see or don`t care about the difference. For many though, time is money and if the local car wash can wash your car for only $5 by using cheap labor (a.k.a. illegal Mexicans) to do the work, why would they want to spend an hour washing their own car when their time is worth more than the cost of the car wash.

For those that have higher standards though, we`re willing to spend our own time and money to do things properly.

I can understand the time thing. The thing that bugs me is when they get that condescending tone when you said nothing to warrant it.

07-17-2007, 06:40 PM
In my neighborhood, I`m the only person who washes his own car(s). My immediate neighbors don`t seem to think it`s a bad idea. I get compliment all the time. One neighbor even asked for help getting his `63 Chevy ready for an upcoming car show. When folks ask, I tell them that I like to having a clean car and that it`s pretty much the only exercise I get.