View Full Version : Police

07-16-2007, 08:10 AM
How strict our your local police about "aftermarket" parts for you vehicle, such as window tint, tinted tailights etc....

I swear, each time I shine the truck up I get nailed for something. 2 months ago I got nailed for 35% tint, 50%tint is legal in ND. I had it on for 1 month. 2 weaks ago I got pulled over for my tinted tail lights. I change the window tint but I didn`t change the tinted tail lights, so I got nailed again lastnight:wall

I know by "law" this stuff is illegal, but it really gets annoying concidering you could see through my truck perfectly with the 35% tint and that you can see my tail lights clear as day when I hit the brakes. I bet if I tinted the windows on a dirty chevy celebrity and tinted the tail lights I would never get pulled over.

07-16-2007, 08:13 AM
You can`t really get annoyed for getting tickets for breaking the law.

I got popped twice with my old Civic for tinted windows. I just paid the tickets and left the tint on. I never got mad because I knew it was my own fault.

07-16-2007, 08:29 AM
I`ve had 15% tint for about 4 years now. Never a problem. My buddy has even gotten pulled over for speeding and they didn`t say anything about his 5% tint.

Then again it helps the the village president has a lowered truck with tint... :) I bet we all get nailed when he retires. lol

07-16-2007, 09:04 AM
You can`t really get annoyed for getting tickets for breaking the law.

I got popped twice with my old Civic for tinted windows. I just paid the tickets and left the tint on. I never got mad because I knew it was my own fault.

I know, I totally agree with you on breaking the law. The cops are just doing their job. But it`s funny, I bet within` a 2 months span I had 6 cops that have drove behind me and never nailed me for it. But that one day, a cop was driving on the opposite side of the road and he made a U-Turn to nail me for the lights.

But I will just suck it up and pay the consequences.

07-16-2007, 09:16 AM
I know, I totally agree with you on breaking the law. The cops are just doing their job. But it`s funny, I bet within` a 2 months span I had 6 cops that have drove behind me and never nailed me for it. But that one day, a cop was driving on the opposite side of the road and he made a U-Turn to nail me for the lights.

But I will just suck it up and pay the consequences.

The funny thing is a local officer never stopped me for tint. I got popped both times by a state cop.

07-16-2007, 10:22 AM
Cops around here couldn`t care less. In fact, it`s getting so lax that people are even tinting the front windshield! Saw a big Caddy SUV yesterday that looked like it had limo tint all the way around, including the front windshield. Of course, the front is supposed to be completely illegal, as is anything over 35% on side windows. But, noone around here cares it seems. I have driven with 20% for the last 12 years and never once had a officer give me issue with it. I think part of the problem may lie with the respective workload of the local/metro police departments. Of course, in Memphis police have enough crime to keep them busy for the rest of the decade, so I don`t think they care too much about "petty" window tint. They already can`t keep up with the "real" crime, so they sure as heck can`t enforce something like tint. In other areas, where officers may be bored (less crime?), I think they make more of an issue about it, just because it gives them something to do.

07-16-2007, 10:52 AM
I think busting you on the tint is probably not the best use of time, although if your vehicle looks like something that a "troublesome person" would drive, then maybe then.

Tinted tail lights I have an issue with. Why sacrifice safety to look cool? The better I can tell the person in front of me is stopping, the less risk they have of me rear ending them.

07-16-2007, 11:16 AM
I think busting you on the tint is probably not the best use of time, although if your vehicle looks like something that a "troublesome person" would drive, then maybe then.

Tinted tail lights I have an issue with. Why sacrifice safety to look cool? The better I can tell the person in front of me is stopping, the less risk they have of me rear ending them.

My truck doesn`t look like a "trouble" some person would drive it,:grinno: . Little do they know I have been sober for 10 months.


07-16-2007, 03:37 PM
Is your tint 20% in that pic? Doesn`t look dark at all...

07-16-2007, 06:32 PM
It comes down to officer discretion. Look at what Tigermike said, officers aren`t enforcing it and people are taking advantage of it and going over the top. How is the chief of that department going to explain to the mayor of governor why that is happening...why the laws set forth by the legislature aren`t being enforced? Especially when that tinted windshield leads to an officer being shot or a collission.

Back to discretion, I have yet to write a similiar ticket, but people are usually courteous enough to put down their dark windows to keep me from getting anxious/nervous (that is the last thing you want.) I`m sorry you feel targeted, but you did willingly violate two laws.

In regards to better things to do... traffic stops generate all kinds of arrests and prevent a lot of criminal activity.

example: car is driving around your neighborhood at 4am. Their tint is too dark, I stop and ID them. They were planning on prowling your house or call, but now that they`ve been ID and contacted they move on. I once stopped a car for speeding, turned out the car had just been stolen from a home invasion robbery where mutliple guns were taken in an adjacent county, traffic infraction led to a violent offender in prison. That`s my perspective, then again I`m a patrol officer and not a traffic cop, *when* I have time I`d rather be chasing drug dealers out of your/my neighborhoods in more direct methods.

I haven`t and won`t touch political reasons or financial reasons (high #`s earn fed. grants.) We`re all different, we all like to do different things when we`re able to be proactive.

07-16-2007, 09:36 PM
thesacrifice, thanks for you expertice. I do respect and understand all you said.

Even though I know I am in the wrong, of course it sucks because I love the looks of the tail lights. But I will change them, and go real light on the spray tint.

07-16-2007, 09:38 PM
Is your tint 20% in that pic? Doesn`t look dark at all...

50%, LEGAL in ND.

07-17-2007, 02:15 AM
Do this...

Ask to mitigate your tickets

Bring in pictures showing that you`ve fixed the problems

and I guarantee your tickets will be drastically reduced or I owe you a beer!

07-17-2007, 08:45 AM
Thanks for the advice.