View Full Version : Chemical Guys Store Hours?

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07-15-2007, 08:56 PM
I`m spending the first day of vacation tomorrow detailing my 3 cars but I forgot I ran out of clay. Anybody know what time Chemical Guys in Inglewood opens Monday morning? I can`t find their store hours listed. I want to get an early start, so I like to be at their store when they open.

I`m not sure if they`re even open on Mondays, considering they`re open on Saturday.

07-16-2007, 12:43 AM
They dont list store hours, no email addresses, the 24/7 line isnt 24/7, the site isnt organized, and some of the info is wrong. However, they have some good products and good prices.

Just call them tomorrow morning.

07-16-2007, 01:12 AM
i think 9, i went there last tuesday and i called at ten and they were open. But paul doesn`t get until a bit later. But they are open six days a week from 9-6 i believe.

07-16-2007, 02:50 AM
Thanks very much!

07-16-2007, 04:15 AM
They dont list store hours.

I don`t understand your complaint. You are in Northern VA, they are in Southern California, and if you were local when I wanted to visit their store and couldn`t find business hours all it took to find them out was one phone call. BTW, I think they are 9-6 M-S.

no email addresses

It is little bit hard to find, but it is there: [email protected]

I have never tried it, I just pick a phone.

the 24/7 line isnt 24/7

Again I don`t understand the complaint. Show me the company that does. At least they do answer their phones and you can reach somebody, unlike FK1.

the site isnt organized

Product categories are on the left, when you click on the category list of products in it shows up. I find that organized.

and some of the info is wrong.

Which can be said for any site, including some of biggest detailing product resellers.

However, they have some good products and good prices.

And isn`t that, and great customer service, what matters much more in the end than Web site`s appearance?

07-17-2007, 03:20 AM
clowning post above, chemical guys rule.

07-17-2007, 10:31 AM
+1 to CG. +2 to Paul. :D

07-17-2007, 11:35 AM
I don`t understand your complaint. You are in Northern VA, they are in Southern California, and if you were local when I wanted to visit their store and couldn`t find business hours all it took to find them out was one phone call. BTW, I think they are 9-6 M-S.

It is little bit hard to find, but it is there: [email protected]

I have never tried it, I just pick a phone.

Again I don`t understand the complaint. Show me the company that does. At least they do answer their phones and you can reach somebody, unlike FK1.

Product categories are on the left, when you click on the category list of products in it shows up. I find that organized.

Which can be said for any site, including some of biggest detailing product resellers.

And isn`t that, and great customer service, what matters much more in the end than Web site`s appearance?

LOL, wow, thanks. I hope you arent affiliated with CG. Not going to even bother to respond.

07-17-2007, 05:04 PM
I love chemical guys, they are my favorite brand, but I do agree that the site can use a revamp, a lot of products are not on the site, and a lot of products need to be taken off the site.

07-17-2007, 06:05 PM
I hope you arent affiliated with CG.

Just because I pointed out what I felt is not justified? Sorry, but no, I am not affiliated with them nor with anyone else in this industry. Only relationship I have there is a customer. I have replied because I can not stay quiet when somebody puts down anybody for no solid reason, no matter who is doing that and which company is in question.

07-17-2007, 06:07 PM
No solid reason? Are you kidding me? I wasnt putting down, or bashing anyone. Its called constructive criticism. If you would like me to explain my criticisms in more detail so they are justified then I will.

07-17-2007, 07:48 PM
No solid reason? Are you kidding me? I wasnt putting down, or bashing anyone. Its called constructive criticism. If you would like me to explain my criticisms in more detail so they are justified then I will.

Yes, like I said I don`t understand your complaints so I would like you to explain how that criticism is constructive because I seriously, no kidding, do not see any solid and logical reason behind:

complaint that store does not list their hours when a) you are not even remotely close to them, b) working as retail with frontend is not their primary operation, c) number of well known and highly respected businesses in their industry do not work as "walk ins" and some of them do not even list any address at all, d) this is not something that one phone call can not resolve, we don`t have to be dumbed down by Web

complaint that product support is not there 24/7. I find that unrealistic expectation.

complaint that Web site is not organized because vertical category list on left with product list appearing on right is paradigm all of the detailing supply sites use.

complaint that site is not 100% accurate when I know you can find inaccuracies and discrepancies on every single site I know of in this industry, either between article and article or between article and label on the product.

Please point out solid reasons behind that.

07-17-2007, 08:09 PM
Yes, like I said I don`t understand your complaints so I would like you to explain how that criticism is constructive because I seriously, no kidding, do not see any solid and logical reason behind:

complaint that store does not list their hours when a) you are not even remotely close to them, b) working as retail with frontend is not their primary operation, c) number of well known and highly respected businesses in their industry do not work as "walk ins" and some of them do not even list any address at all, d) this is not something that one phone call can not resolve, we don`t have to be dumbed down by Web

complaint that product support is not there 24/7. I find that unrealistic expectation.

complaint that Web site is not organized because vertical category list on left with product list appearing on right is paradigm all of the detailing supply sites use.

complaint that site is not 100% accurate when I know you can find inaccuracies and discrepancies on every single site I know of in this industry, either between article and article or between article and label on the product.

Please point out solid reasons behind that.

1. Having a store not list hours is can be difficult for customers. A customer should not have to come on here, or another forum, simply to ask when they open. You can call, but what if they dont answer, then you never find out when they are open. How do you even know when you can call in the first place? Local people can drive, but dont know the store hours. That is just asking for frustrated customers. Is it really that hard to list some hours on the site? If they list an address (which they do) then they should list store hours too. I dont live there, which is why this is a constructive criticism, NOT a complaint. It will only benefit them, and their customers to list hours.

2. I was never complaining about them not having 24/7 customer support. I DO NOT expect them to have it. My CRITICISM is that they list a 24/7 customer support #, but it isnt answered 24/7. My point is, why do they list that number, if they cant answer it 24/7? That makes no sense to me, and should be remove IMO. If they actually DO answer it 24/7, then great, more power to them.

3. What some people might consider organized, others might consider totally disorganized. Sometimes, when I click on a product to read the description I get overlapping text and cant see anything. Its also hard to find an email address. And my order status was never updated, nor did I receive a shipping confirmation or tracking #.

4. When I order something from any site, I expect to get exactly what the description described. I ordered 4" LC CCS pads. What I got was 3.5" LC CCS pads. I called and CG said they didnt even see 4" LC CSS pads in their catalog, they didnt even think LC sold 4" CCS pads. So that info is incorrect. Now, is their site updated daily with products that are currently out of stock? Or do they tell you after you`ve ordered it? I dont know, but that could be another potential problem.

For comparison sake, lets compare CG site and AG`s site. AG`s site is updated constantly with new products and if something is out of stock, then you wont be able to order it and itll say "out of stock" on the site. Once your order ships out, you get emailed a confirmation and tracking #.

You dont need to get all defensive and riled up about this.

07-17-2007, 09:18 PM
I`m gonna have to side with D&D on this one. All his points are valid.

I ran into the same problem when I wanted to go to their store. I was able to find the address easily, but it was about 3:30 when I left, and I have to account for LA traffic. I would hate to drive half an hour only to find the place closed. I had to give a call and if I can avoid having to call any company, the better. That is why I love the internet.

07-17-2007, 09:32 PM
The store is a casual place, this will enable a friendly enviorment at the price of professionalism. Its a give and take. My only complaint is at times I get hit by so many marketing gimmicks and one liners its ridiculous. Besides that, I appreciate their expertise, products, and prices. As of now, I don`t know ANY place that offers that in LA.