View Full Version : The Detail from Hell

07-15-2007, 05:40 PM
So today was my worst day detailing...ever! I went to backup the car I was detailing to move it into the sun to check for holograms when I apparently left my UDM and bottle of Danase Finish Polish behind it. Well I ran them over. UDM works but the back piece is crushed. My first time using it too! Then the other thing I ran over on a different occasion today was CG Lightning Fast. I think it was the heat that got to me I don`t know.

Old Pirate
07-15-2007, 05:56 PM
Sorry to hear about that, hope your UDM keeps working for you. Maybe you can get it fix by DavidB it his warehouse in SD. Good luck

07-16-2007, 03:24 AM
That do suck.

07-16-2007, 04:46 AM
Ouch. Did you run over it completely, or just hit it and then realize you did and stop? Hey at least you have a story about your UDM now:) "Oh yeah, well my polisher can be run over and still finish the detail" And at least the Danase Finish Polish didn`t explode all over the UDM and ruin it. I keep most of my stuff above the ground when I`m detailing, but now I`ll be more careful with the stuff I do leave around the tires/car..

White lexus 23
07-16-2007, 05:56 AM
hate days like that

07-16-2007, 08:41 AM
Could be worse. One of my guys set a Cyclo on a shelf and when he backed out he caught the cord and pulled the Cyclo down onto the hood of the vehicle.

The Cyclo still works after that (and being dropped numerous times). Hopefully your UDM will continue to work.