View Full Version : Water Damaged Leather Seats

07-13-2007, 08:33 AM
I did a search and could not find anything.

I discovered, a week too late, that my son and a friend failed to dry off , or change out of their wet clothes, and subsequesntly have damaged - very hard, discolored - the seats. :furious:

Is there a glimmer of hope of restoring the leather? :help:

Thanks for all suggests in advance.

07-13-2007, 08:39 AM
Water, in almost all cases, will not damage automotive leather. That dryness you feel is the left over minerals in the water. Try a good leather cleaner and see if it helps, if not, try steam cleaning it.

I`ve accidentally left the top down during a showers in my car and come back to wet leather which I`ve simply dried. You should be good.

07-13-2007, 08:43 AM

Do you recommend a specific leather cleaner? I have read about using Woolite, a specifla mixture or soap, alcohol and water, saddle soap, etc.