View Full Version : Soft paint.

07-12-2007, 10:26 AM
Just wanna know what kinda polish is safe for a soft paint.My ride only have light scratches.been thinking of PO106ff nano polish andthe SSR1 and SSR2.5 for that matter. Another thing what wax should i use for a topper on a gold color paint just to give a little wetness look,if thats possible on a light color car.:help: :thx

07-12-2007, 10:57 AM
Ok, you are gonna get tons of suggestions but here are mine.

PO106FF is better than SSR1. So if you have those 3 polishes available I would use SSR2.5 and then 106FF. Start with the 106FF because you might not even need the SSR2.5.

As for wetness in a gold car, I`m assuming it has metallic flakes. Jeff`s Werkstatt`s Prime followed by Acrylic Jet Trigger is a great option.

07-13-2007, 06:53 AM
this isnt really a click&brag thread...

and i dont have enough experience to really comment on soft vs hard paint.