View Full Version : church buses

06-05-2005, 07:00 PM
I have been asked to do an interior clean on 2 church buses 27 passenger and 15 passenger(due to a puking incident on a youth trip clean up is a must).The smaller bus has vinyl seats and rubber floor(should be easy to clean).The bigger bus has cloth seats that all need to be cleaned and a rubber floor(I`ll have to extract the seats on this one).
I need some help with prices for vehicles this big.I will also be doing a exterior wash but nothing fancy.

06-08-2005, 08:28 PM
We got the job to do the buses.We`ll be at them bright and early tomorrow,weather permitting.I figure cleaning the seats will take most of the morning.

tubafeak thanks for the help.

06-09-2005, 07:14 AM
No problem, be sure to post how it goes.

06-09-2005, 01:05 PM
We just finished this job started at 8 am.

The seats on the big bus cleaned up great,the fabric is faded from sun damge so there wasn`t a huge color change but the water that was extracted looked like coffee.We used oxy-clean on the seats and spot cleaned the headliner with the same.
Dressed all the vinyl in the drives area and scrubbed the floors with hot water and an all purpose cleaner,extracted the excess water and let everything air dry.
The van was just a basic vac and wash.

All in all not as bad as I thought but a lot of work.I wish they would put the money out for a proper detail of the paint,but I doubt that will ever happen.