View Full Version : Can I use Scratch X for removing marred/hazy spot from claybar application?

07-09-2007, 12:45 PM
Hey guys,

Like the subject states....i have a spot on my fender in which I think I went a bit too hard with the claybar and it`s now hazy/white looking (black car).

I have been reading on the forum and seems a polish is the best way to go about these marks. I do not have a PC so since it`s a small spot (2.5 inches or so diameter) I guess I should be able to polish it by hand.

Most of the stuff i read on scratch X is about removing scratches but didn`t see much about hazy/marred spots caused by claybar....

Am I looking at the wrong product? i see I can get 3m swirl remover for dark cars online as well....or is there any other better products of this type of blemishes? I read a few posts saying scratch X might leave some marring of its own, definitely not what i need then....also #9 was mentioned as an alternative, but that seems to just be a filler. Also how would the Scratch X compare to Zaino Z-PC...I use Zaino z-5 and z-2 on my car for protection, but never used the Z-PC

The car is a black nissan 350z which I hear have a very soft clearcoat.


07-09-2007, 02:43 PM
i did that once to my car and my heart sank (black car too). I rubbed a bit of Meguairs Cleaner Wax with a MF cloth, remove and it did the trick. Cleaned out the haze, and it looked excellent.

scratchx might be too aggresive, u dont want to put more marring if u dont know how to use it properly. pick up a bottle of cleaner wax. Very easy to use. :2thumbs:

07-09-2007, 03:17 PM
Thanx! i actually have a bottle of Meguiar`s cleaner wax at home that I so I`ll give that a shot....

I know what you mean about your heart sinking...my car`s brand new and I`ve been worrying sick about this all weekend...hopefully it`ll work out

07-10-2007, 10:12 AM
Are there any other polishes I should be looking into in case the cleaner wax does not work? i have been reading alot on KAIO and Optimum poliseal? Again I`d be doing this by hand since i dont have a PC and its a relatively small spot...

Should I use dawn before i try the cleaner wax/polish? I knwo i have like 2 coats of z5 on it that I put on top of the mark to see if it`d cover it up (which it did but only for a few days cos of rain)

Sorry for the noob questions...just wanna make sure i can get this off without making things worse!

07-10-2007, 10:25 AM
I replied to your PM

07-10-2007, 11:27 AM
Are there any other polishes I should be looking into in case the cleaner wax does not work? i have been reading alot on KAIO and Optimum poliseal?

Dunno about the PolySeal, but the AIO won`t do it (Klasse AIO is basically functionally nonabrasive). The Zaino AIO has a bit of abrasive, but I dunno if it`ll do the job.

Even on soft paint, it`s hard to say what`ll work/not, you just have to try something and see.

I wouldn`t go with a cleaner wax if you`re using Zaino, it`ll do more filling than correcting and when you clean the wax off so the Zaion will bond the marring will appear to come back.

See my PM response, but I`d go with ZPC or Zaino AIO, which will be handy to have around anyhow.