View Full Version : 3M Imperial Hand Glaze & P21S Paintwork Cleanser

Mike - Seattle
07-06-2007, 11:13 PM
I have bottles of both these and was considering doing both and then finishing with the P21S wax.

Are these products differnt in their function or does this make any sense to do?

Its for my `05 Porsche Boxster S in Seal Gray.

Any guidance here would be appreciated. I love to clean and detail my car, but not an expert on products. :nixweiss


Mike :up

07-06-2007, 11:17 PM
The P21S PC will clean the paint as well as filling in imperfections. The 3M IHG will not clean but will hide a ton and probably look a little better than the P21S.

07-06-2007, 11:25 PM
Will waxes/sealants bond to 3m IHG?:think:

07-06-2007, 11:35 PM
Will waxes/sealants bond to 3m IHG?:think:

Sealants will not.

Waxes just sit on the surface and do not bond. They would be fine over IHG.

Mike - Seattle
07-06-2007, 11:42 PM
Would it be stupid to do the Paintwork Cleanser and then the3M IHG with the final coat of P21S carnuba wax?

07-06-2007, 11:45 PM
I think it would be a little redundant myself.

07-07-2007, 11:43 AM
I`d try a small area and see if it`s worth doing, might be/might not. back in the day, carnauba over IHG was the hot combo here.

07-07-2007, 10:48 PM
Back in the day, carnauba over IHG was the hot combo here.

Same here, Accumulator. We must`ve attended the same "school.":chuckle:

07-07-2007, 11:12 PM
IHG will make black paint shimmer every time (but the durability is poor).

I`m sure the initial appearance of IHG topped with P21S will look great on your Porsche.

Don`t expect *the look* to last if you drive it daily, or expose it to weather.

If you plan to re-apply monthly, you`re good to go.

If you`re looking for great looks + durability, search some more on the board and save yourself some time.

Mike - Seattle
07-08-2007, 01:55 AM
Well, I tried the 3M IHG on the hood after the P21S paintwork cleanser and it was a BEAR to buff off. Is this normal? My bottle was a couple years old, but I did shake it well.

I decided to just finish the car with the P21S carnuba instead because the IHG was such a pain to get off. It looks good (color is Seal Gray/Charcoal), but under really bright light you can see some spider webs.

If you`re looking for great looks + durability, search some more on the board and save yourself some time.

Do you have any specific recommendations or is this a recommendation that I review the posts? :2thumbs:

07-08-2007, 11:58 AM
Well, I tried the 3M IHG on the hood after the P21S paintwork cleanser and it was a BEAR to buff off. Is this normal? My bottle was a couple years old, but I did shake it well.

How long did you let it sit before wiping? It`s not one to put on, then let sit for 30 minutes. It`s much closer to wipe on, wipe off.

If a person uses too much, it will clump and wad and not want to wipe off.

If there are contaminants that were not clayed off, IHG will tend to stick to them and can cause problems (not nearly as badly as Meguiar`s M07, however.)

The stuff has long shelf life (years). Unless it was frozen or was heated too much (not sure of 3M`s temp recommendations on that product), I wouldn`t think it was too old.

07-08-2007, 12:13 PM
Mike - Seattle- Yeah, one of the things about those old-school glazes is that they need to be used sparingly and buffed off before they really dry (one exception is Meg`s #5).

if you put a good wax over it (don`t apply aggressively lest you mess with the IHG) and it should last a while.

The way you still see the marring is a reminder that the "glaze it up" approach can only do do much. But I think you`d get better results with something like 1Z Metallic Polish with Wax and at least it`s a breeze to use. People I know who couldn`t care less about detailing just *love* the 1Z with wax over it because of how great it works for so little effort.

If there are contaminants that were not clayed off, IHG will tend to stick to them and can cause problems (not nearly as badly as Meguiar`s M07, however.)

*Way* back in the day we used #7 as a "nonabrasive cleaner" because of the way it acted on contamination..*very* labor-intensive (to put it politely) but it worked pretty well. This was on ss black lacquer before they had purely chemical paint cleaners for such stuff.