View Full Version : parking lot wonders

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07-06-2007, 02:36 PM
i know there are other threads that share these types of things...here was an interesting one i saw today...a double-parked Kia Spectra. now, i`m not bagging on the Kia, a person`s car is a person`s car and they should be proud of it...but i still kind of shook my head at this one. this was in the back of a VERY busy Target parking lot.


i don`t mess with other people`s cars, but people like this are just asking for it. hahaha

Setec Astronomy
07-06-2007, 03:43 PM
Asking for what?

Deep Gloss Auto Salon
07-06-2007, 03:48 PM
Oddly enough, this has never bothered me I may chuckle or say something sarcastic but nothing more.

07-06-2007, 07:52 PM
A friend of a friend drives a nice black Benz, he always parks like that. Not way out in the furthest spaces, but the closest ones he can find. I don`t even know how many times he`s had his car keyed.

Setec Astronomy
07-06-2007, 08:04 PM
Ok, now I`m confused...you say it was "in the back of a VERY busy Target parking lot" so if it`s in the BACK of the lot, and we can see from the picture no other cars in the vicinity, who cares? Why would he get keyed back there?

07-06-2007, 08:32 PM
I would love to park like that to avoid dents, but soon as I do, someone would say "you stupid blank" and I would get keyed.

07-06-2007, 08:43 PM
Why didn`t the driver just pull close to the curb? That`s what I do, doesn`t piss anyone else off (for the most part).

07-06-2007, 08:47 PM
When I was a kid I used to have a 71 Sedan De Ville that was about 5 different colors, and was NOT something you wanted to see anywhere near your car. I actively looked for these a holes in parking lots and parked right up next to them. Never touched them, I have too much respect for personal property, but I loved the idea of Mr. or Mrs. "I`m more important than you" coming out of the mall and seeing my crapmobile snuggling up next to their shiny whatever. If I could make them have to crawl across their console, so much the better. :D

Everyone has the right to protect their stuff, and I park as far away as I need to these days to avoid door dings, but some people are just selfish jerks and deserve every ding they get. Door dings are unfortunately a fact of life, that`s what PDR is for. I hate them and can`t understand why people don`t just pay attention, but that`s no reason to park like an idiot.

imported_Larry A
07-06-2007, 08:54 PM
Whats wrong with someone trying to protect his car, even though its just a Kia.I drive a Kia and I will do anything to keep it dent free. I have not been Sucessful, but I tried. Its a good thing that I have a friend thats a PDR man. That guy with the Kia should get a pat on the back.

07-06-2007, 09:54 PM
I could care less if someone parked like that all the way in the back where no one bothers parking. Now if this was at the front of the parking lot and he took 2 spaces like that, then yes the a-hole is just asking for his car to be keyed.

Deep Gloss Auto Salon
07-06-2007, 10:02 PM
I don`t key cars regardless of the situation AND if for some CRAZY reason I were to key a car I would want the onwer to see me doing it, but that would have to be a serious infraction on a personal level to get me to that point - and like I said I would want to do it with the person watching not like a punk in the shadows...

When I see a person parked like that in the back I say good for them, taking care of the ride!!

When I see someone doing it upfront I may make a comment to them, if I am without my son... If not I just laugh it off and think "what an a-hole"... lifes to short to worry about this crap!

EDIT: I re-thought my statement above and realized if someone made me mad enough to want to key the car.. I would probably want to handle it by other means...:idea

07-06-2007, 10:09 PM
Why is this a thread?

why did you feel the need to take a pic?

He is in the last spot of a parking lot trying to protect his car! and not bothering anyone!

why is that a problem to you?

they you feel the need to try and make fun of him on a website that is all about protecting cars

Setec Astronomy
07-06-2007, 11:13 PM
I also am I bit perplexed...I personally never park like that, but as some others have said, I will cheat the lines a little bit, say on the end of a row, to make sure I have buffer to the next space, but preferably I park so far away that I don`t need to worry (although however far you think you are, it never seems far enough...always seems someone parks next to you). There have been many threads on space selection, IIRC. I gotta agree with BigJim...this thread seems almost as weird for this site as mocking someone for liking a shiny car.

I also would applaud the guy if it`s in the back of the lot, even if I wouldn`t do that...I got broken of that many years ago when I took two spaces in front of the breakfast place at 6AM-ish, only to find on my way out a cop parked next to me "admiring" my parking job, who said "good morning" to me. Being a small town I figured he would remember me and his "good morning" was my warning.

07-07-2007, 09:41 AM
well, sorry you don`t see the point, setec. it`s about respecting OTHER people by only taking one spot. taking up two is arrogant...i don`t care what you drive...kia...corvette...benz...whatever.

the parking lot WAS full nearby. wow, that one spot remaining to the right will really help out.:think: i guess i should have provided a wide angle pic to be more descriptive. the parking in the background is farther away across a street and for other businesses...and that`s the point. should someone else walk that far just because the driver "needed" two spots?

i don`t recall saying too much bad about the guy and specifically indicated i was not making fun of the brand of car....apparently some readers missed that as well.

if this thread shouldn`t exist, then please, mods, please delete it. i would then think many other equally pointless threads could go away as well, but it`s the HOT TUB, not the detailing sections...so general use.

imported_Larry A
07-07-2007, 10:18 AM
Then what is needed is bigger parking spaces.