View Full Version : Optimum Poli-Seal Questions?

07-04-2007, 04:07 PM
How is abbrasive is this stuff?

Is it safe to use on paint that is swirl free? (not cause more swirls)

Can it be used as a wax on, wax off method?

also, what is the proper/instructions way to apply it by hand. The instructions are very vage. The website says apply with a dampen applicator and wait for it to haze/ then remove. Anything else i should know?

thanks guys

hope to see all the helpful answers :)

07-04-2007, 04:16 PM
try a small area first and see what happens

07-04-2007, 06:05 PM
Dont use too much. It`s easy to do the first time you use it. Poli Seal is HARD to see (read invisible) it kinda melts into the paint. IME, it`s not very abrasive. It can take care of wash swirls, but it`s definitely not strong enough to skip abrasive polishing on a car that is swirled. I`d test a small area to make sure you`re happy with it, but I`d imagine you`d be safe with using a finishing pad to apply it to your swirl free car. It really does darken the paint.

07-04-2007, 09:01 PM
cool, thanks for the answers.

im goin to be doin it by hand, w/ a foam wax applicator. any tips on that? or precautions?

07-04-2007, 11:35 PM
cool, thanks for the answers.

im goin to be doin it by hand, w/ a foam wax applicator. any tips on that? or precautions?

just do it up, its real easy to put on/take off.