View Full Version : Deoderising Cars

07-02-2007, 05:26 AM
One thing I`ve had zilch success with is getting cars smelling fresh again. No matter what product I use it just seems to mingle with the smell already in there.

One thing I`ve considered is a fogger like this one;

eBay.co.uk: FOGGER DEODORISER KIT, REMOTE +1Ltr FLUID CAR VALETING (item 160132811643 end time 08-Jul-07 21:08:53 BST) (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FOGGER-DEODORISER-KIT-REMOTE-1Ltr-FLUID-CAR-VALETING_W0QQitemZ160132811643QQihZ006QQcategoryZ1 1762QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem)

Has anyone used something like this & were the results worthwhile?

07-02-2007, 09:38 AM
There was a thread about this a month ago or so. A couple autopians suggested a fogger and claimed it was the only thing that really worked. Do a quick search for fogger and check the most recent results.

07-02-2007, 12:23 PM
Deodorizing is a science. I have tried many products over the years and only a few actually work as advertised. The foggers work well, if the product works. Ozone also works well if the unit is big enough or left for long enough.

If you just want to add a smell try the little fogger cans.


Many companies have them. I use Malco, i like citrus the best, smells like Fruit Loops. The others are a little too strong for me. Don`t release the whole can in a car. I found an old spray can spray tip to fit the can. That way it is easy to control the release. I spray 2 to 3 seconds and let sit for a few minutes to overnight.

For tobacco odors i spray a good amount the night before. Let sit. Next day clean and deodorize with a liquid on all surfaces. Let dry. Then spray again.

You could also check out Topoftheline.com, they have some good products and info.

07-02-2007, 01:01 PM
You could also check out Topoftheline.com, they have some good products and info.

Yeah they have those order bombs, I have wanted to get some to see how they work.