View Full Version : Car Duster Best Product For Me?

06-03-2005, 04:40 PM
Although I now try to stay out of the mud as much as possible, traveling down gravel roads and dealing with "atmospheric fallout" here at campus (bunch of light dirt that covers vehicle if sitting in parking lot for few days) gets vehicles quite dirty very quickly, and I don`t want to have to constantly wash my vehicle to keep it clean and shining!

How do the car dusters work? Do I need to buy a specific brand or do the generic varieties (Wal-Mart, etc.) work just as well?


06-03-2005, 05:10 PM
I use a California Car Duster on mine for the light dust or pollen that collects during the day. For anything more than that I will give the car a once over with S&W


06-04-2005, 03:28 AM
I just bought the CCD for $10 and even though I haven`t used it yet I`m happy I got it. Figure this, for however much cheaper a generic one is you really aren`t going to save much money but I`m willing to bet the quality just isn`t there.

Knowing I can get a few years out of the CCD and that it only cost me $10 makes me feel better than if I had spent $5 and only got a years worth of use from a generic.

06-04-2005, 04:32 AM
I got the CCD a few weeks ago. I have been wanting to get one and they went on sale recently so I picked one up. One of the better purchases I`ve made for maintaining my car`s appearance.

I use it every other day, and I could use it every day. With the current weather here in Northern California it is really all I need between washes.

This tool helps to extend the life of your LSPs because you aren`t doing as much wiping or spraying of more chemicals to maintain the paint.

It is just an opinion though.

06-05-2005, 09:04 AM
the whole rubbing it over the paint, COULD cause marring scares me. I still want to get one, next time i buy some stuff i`ll pick one up. I think i`d use the dash duster more that the car one.

06-06-2005, 08:03 AM
I purchased one (CCD) and got a chance to quickly use it this weekend. Took me about three minutes to wipe down the entire car to remove dust. Then I followed it with a QD. Excellent results. I think it is one of the better purchases I have made this year.

FWIW, I don`t think there`s as much chance of marring by using a CCD as by using a waterless wash. Again, that`s JMO.

06-06-2005, 08:36 AM
I`ev been using one for years and have never felt like I was marring the finish at all or any signs of it. FYI