View Full Version : Hi-Temp de-bugger or PB bug squash?

06-30-2007, 10:02 PM
Recently moved out of the city about two months ago and now I`ve got a bug problem. Rather than trying the OTC aerosols and what not, I want to buy something more effective and in a larger quantity.

Anyone used both? Which is better? Hi-temp is cheaper, but I wasn`t able to find much on it via the search. PB`s dilutes where as Hi-temp is ready to use. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!


06-30-2007, 10:35 PM
I like PB out of the two. Cut it 3:1 and it cuts through the love bug swarms we get down here in FL. That and the Pinnacle safe scrub.

07-01-2007, 12:54 AM
I like PB out of the two. Cut it 3:1 and it cuts through the love bug swarms we get down here in FL. That and the Pinnacle safe scrub.

Any marring issues with the Pinnacle safe scrub?

I`ve heard nothing but good things about the bug squash which is what I`ve been leaning towards. Was just curious to see if anyone has even used Hi-temps de-bugger because there`s little to no info on it.