View Full Version : Nattys blue sticking to my hood? HELP.

06-30-2007, 04:52 PM
Sup guys iv been applying nattys blue to my truck for about 3 months now i applyed a coat today and when i did my hood it decided it didnt want to come off with normal buffing of a micro fiber. What caused this to happen? My paint is perfectly preped as in polished,RMG`ed. Im not sure if the heat/sun backed it onto my paint or what the deal was. I had to pull out my PC wit ha microfiber bonet to buff it off with a little presure applyed. It was a total pain in the *** iv never experienced this before. The truck is an 06 black silverado. It came off the rest of the truck without a problem. Any help here?

06-30-2007, 05:06 PM
i`d be willing to bet it was applied a little too thick in the area as i have had the same thing happen to me with nb. was it in the area that you had to use the pc to remove the same area you made your initial application?

06-30-2007, 05:10 PM
Actuelly it was the opposite were i made the initial application of nb it came off fine then when i was buffing off the other side of the hood it wouldnt buff off at all. My microfiber towel was just gliding right over it and it wasnt taking any of it off. I think the other side of the hood had more of a glare from the sun or somthing :nixweiss .

06-30-2007, 05:13 PM
well i use it in direct sun at all temps and all i can say is if it sticks like that just spray some qd on the area and continue buffing.

07-01-2007, 03:46 PM
Try to get out of the sun, and get the paint cooler. And apply the wax thinner.

07-01-2007, 04:23 PM
Try to get out of the sun, and get the paint cooler. And apply the wax thinner.

that kind of defeats the whole purpose of the wax the way most mobile guys use it, in direct sunlight, you were right secondly however, he probably did put it on thick. just qd wipe and go.

07-01-2007, 04:42 PM
You always have to be careful when detailing in direct sunlight. There was a recent post showing surface temps over 200 degrees F during ambient temps in the lower 90`s.

In addition to what has already been recommended, you can also reduce the chance of this happening by immediately removing the wax after applying, instead of applying it to the entire hood and then removing it.

How long was it left to "bake" on the hood?