View Full Version : OT: Last day to Vote: Lollapalooza

06-30-2007, 10:30 AM
Please help my friend get some votes for a chance to play at Lollapalooza.

Lollapalooza :: Last Band Standing 2007 (http://lollapalooza.mp3.com/feature/2007lollapalooza/?band=LEE-DEWYZE)

We didnt do the whole bot thing and have fake people vote to pump up our numbers. We need to get into the top 100 for a chance to have a celebrity panel to judge our music. If you can take a listen and even some what dig the music please vote for us.

Lee is a great artist and an all around great guy. I like to compare him to a Jon Mayer/ Jack Jonson with a little more edge. He just released his first CD last week and so far we have recieved some great reviews.

If anything if your not into the chill music listen to the lead guitars played by Louis Svitek. He is the man!

Louis Svitek - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Svitek)

And judge it on that alone.

We know at this point getting to the top 10 is redicilous with all the people that cheated. I mean really listen to some of the junk in the top 25 then listen to Lee. You can hear the difference.

Trolls go ahead and say you voted for someone else that`s cool at least your helping a smaller artist get listened too.

Thanks everyone!

The site for Lollapalooza is really busy so if you want to listen to some of his muisc somewhere else here is a link

www.myspace.com/wulileedewyze (http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=132340207&MyToken=9ff9590d-741f-457b-892b-45e51e0e2b6e)

06-30-2007, 02:53 PM
Here is a great write up about his CD.

WuLi Records Presents: MADE IN CHICAGO (http://www.lasplash.com/publish/Entertainment/cat_index_chicago_entertainment/WuLi_Records_Presents.php)

I encourage you to check out his myspace page to listen to a song or 2. The voting site has music on it, but I think it is getting hit so much that it`s hard to get it to play today.

I just want to see us make it into the top 100 that ends today so that we can get a fair shake from judges. Please people!


11-10-2010, 07:03 PM
Haha funny just looking through history I told you guys Lee would be good!