View Full Version : Wrinkling metal panel..

06-27-2007, 12:53 AM
i know its possible to wrinkle/warp the paint on plastic easily but can it happen on metal panels if the panel gets too hot? i never had this happened before but today! i always buff out in the sun without much problems, but today i noticed 3 small areas that looked wrinkled on the door. what was weird was i dont recall working that area all the much as most of the work was on the hood and nothing happened there. i dont know what happened.. yes it was moderately hot outside (about 80 degrees) and in full sun, but i never had this problem before. and the door did not seem repainted recently because the whole car was just torn up.

no worrys though, its a dealership car and they dont care so much about it.

David Fermani
06-27-2007, 09:58 AM
post a pic

06-27-2007, 10:15 AM
yeah, need a pic

06-27-2007, 09:27 PM
i dont have a picture as the car is at the dealership.. no fear, they dont seem to care. the car was torn up anyways with bird```` marks, some scratches to the metal, and such.

it looked something and the size of thumbprints. what was weird was it only happend in that one area which i dont recall working on that much, although i buff the **** out of the whole car without any problems. im starting to think it was there before i worked on it because it didnt feel soft however there was compound residue stuck in it.