View Full Version : Help with Road tar or rubber splatter

06-24-2007, 04:52 PM
Hey, new here so sorry if this is the wrong forum. I did a search and found a bunch of tar remover products but I`m not even sure what this is. I`ve driven over a few newly paved roads so I thought this could be splatter from a wet tar glob. It feels and looks like molten rubber was splattered in my wheel well...and all along my drivers side. Little bits of it are all over the place on the lower half of the car. I can scrape most of a glob off with my fingernail but the residue starts to smear all over the place. Washing did nothing. I tried rubbing it with alcohol which seems to slowly work away at it but at that rate it would take 5 hours to clear it off. I don`t think claybar would work cause of the volume (its really thick). What else can I use to get this crap off the side of my car? TIA


06-24-2007, 05:32 PM
tarminator from stoner. You should be able to get it locally.

Spray it on, let it soak for a minute and wipe or spray it off.

06-24-2007, 06:38 PM
I just had a similar expirience this weekend and had all these tar spots on the front, top and side of my car. I tried claying, which got some of it, try Turtle Wax Bug and Tar Remover wich got some. but for some reason I had really good luck with using Vanilla Moose, a yellow foam hand pad and some elbow grease. I don`t know why this worked, but it did a nice job. I remembered reading that Clearkote products are petroleum based and tar is certainly petroleum, so why not try it, I have nothing to loose. It ended up working better than I thought. Some spots took a few applications, but it worked. So far I have about 85-90% taken care of. The rest will have to be worked on over time. A few more road trips planned and I figure that after the summer trips are done I will take care all that remains.

06-24-2007, 07:54 PM
Poorboys Bug Squash and Pinnacle bug & tar pad.

06-24-2007, 08:05 PM
Chemical Guys STRONG WASH is great also. You can use it on many other things too. It`s what I use at my shop, and it works great on bugs.

07-01-2007, 08:19 AM

I tried to find Tarminator but no one around here sells it so looks like I`ll be ordering direct. In the mean time I used some all purpose gunk remover:


That they had at the hardware store. It didn`t get rid of everything but I made a lot of progress:


The problem was it took a lot of effort. I used most of the can on that panel. When I tried really scrubbing it off it left a haze behind which I believe are scratches in the clearcoat, most likely because I was using paper towels and not MF towels. Nothing too noticeable though so some scratch remover should take care of that. It just took a long time to break up the tar when constrained to a wiping motion. And it was pretty freakin messy too. The lesson here: avoid partially re-paved roads!