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06-20-2007, 10:37 AM
I`ve searched and found nothing but good things about SIP..but I`m still having a hard time justifying it.

Can I ask that everyone share their experiences with SIP here...specifically performance vs. other popular polishes.

When out on a Job I currently carry PG, IP, FP, 85RD, SSR2, SSR3, OHC (new), Poli-seal (if you really want to call that a polish) all with me.

I see all of these positive comments and realize I can probably carry SIP in place of a couple of the others listed but I still can`t force myself to pull the trigger.

I`m looking for first hand experience here convincing me to get some...for example because it`s that much better and will be a time saver over what I`m currently using.


06-20-2007, 10:53 AM
I dont have anything to say about SIP.

But thought it was cool to see you from Columbus and have my name also :p

06-20-2007, 11:11 AM
SIP is awesome. If you own a polish with all of the following characteristics, then don`t buy it. Otherwise, do buy it.

1) Removes decent sized swirls in one pass

2) Cuts quickly, each pass doesn`t have to take very long

3) Finishes last step ready on light colors. You can polish many cars in a single step!

4) Leaves the paint squeaky clean, perfectly prepped for LSP.

5) Cuts the ceramiclear hard clear coats, and does much better than other products on conventional hard clear coats

6) It`s only $30 for a 32 oz. bottle with a good pad and squeeze bottle

7) It`s the dog`s nuts of the of the polishing world

06-20-2007, 12:20 PM
Did you ever use the old forumula of OHC? I have that, and the SIP is hands down better at removing swirls and finishing better.

06-20-2007, 12:41 PM
Ok, thought I knew just about ALL the acronyms...... But I have to ask what is "SIP"....


Ok, never mind.. found it Menzerna Super Intensive Polish.....

06-20-2007, 01:17 PM
I would also like to know what it is?

06-20-2007, 01:31 PM
Menzerna Super Intensive Polish

06-20-2007, 02:07 PM
SIP is awesome. If you own a polish with all of the following characteristics, then don`t buy it. Otherwise, do buy it.

1) Removes decent sized swirls in one pass

2) Cuts quickly, each pass doesn`t have to take very long

3) Finishes last step ready on light colors. You can polish many cars in a single step!

4) Leaves the paint squeaky clean, perfectly prepped for LSP.

5) Cuts the ceramiclear hard clear coats, and does much better than other products on conventional hard clear coats

6) It`s only $30 for a 32 oz. bottle with a good pad and squeeze bottle

7) It`s the dog`s nuts of the of the polishing world

Great post!

I`d like to add that it is a great polish, but.... you DO NOT want to use it with Edge pads. They start to squeak on the paint and start to smell too. Stay away from SIP with Edge pads.

This happened to me last week and was confirmed by Rydawg, Timmah and countless others that Edge and SIP dont work together.

Other than that, the correction is *amazing* with this stuff. Finishes so clean too!


06-20-2007, 02:24 PM
Rydawg and TH001 both say the orange CCS 7 1/4" pads on the rotary work great with SIP. I ordered some of the pads today. Can`t wait to try it out.

06-20-2007, 05:03 PM
So does it dust less than IP?

06-20-2007, 05:49 PM
SIP is awesome. If you own a polish with all of the following characteristics, then don`t buy it. Otherwise, do buy it.

1) Removes decent sized swirls in one pass

2) Cuts quickly, each pass doesn`t have to take very long

3) Finishes last step ready on light colors. You can polish many cars in a single step!

4) Leaves the paint squeaky clean, perfectly prepped for LSP.

5) Cuts the ceramiclear hard clear coats, and does much better than other products on conventional hard clear coats

6) It`s only $30 for a 32 oz. bottle with a good pad and squeeze bottle

7) It`s the dog`s nuts of the of the polishing world

Couldn`t agree more. It does have a bit of a learning curve to it, though. As Jim said, Edge foam pads shouldn`t be used with SIP, but the Edge wool line works very well with it.

06-20-2007, 05:51 PM
SWEEEET, thanks SuperBee, I was wondering how the Edge wool did with it. So far 2 have said it works and 0 have said it doesnt!

Cant wait to get those in!


06-20-2007, 06:33 PM
So does it dust less than IP?

I had more of a problem of it spitting than dusting. With foam pads, that is. With wool and the proper amount of polish, I haven`t had any problems with SIP dusting excessively. Just a bit is all.

06-21-2007, 09:44 PM
I tried my SIP for the first time tonight - I`m actually waiting for the Prime to cure now. Compared to other "medium" polishes I`ve used, SSR2.5 and 4*BS MCC, it removed as much or more and left as good or better finish.

Black Honda; PC; 4" and 5.5" flat orange LC pads; 2-3 small peas; speed 6; 1 pass with 2-3 firm, slow sweeps and 1-2 light to finish. I work pretty small sections, no more than a 1x2 foot area probably.

If I hadn`t been going around corners (trunk where it turns down to vertical) I doubt if would have dusted much at all, less than anything else I`ve used for sure. Very easy to wipe off. Did wonders on the taillight lenses. I`ve got a problem section that I`ve never been able to do much with, so that will be the final test for me, but whatever it removes, the ease of use and finish quality make it worth it to me. I`m glad I got it.

It still looks better to finish with the BF SRC-FP (P0106FF) but it`s not that obvious except in a side by side.

06-24-2007, 12:53 AM
SIP is one of the best med/heavy. duty polishes on the market now and is the best I have tried in 15 years. Chec out some of my posts and you will see alot of pics with just after sip/106ff. PC they work great. Rotary they will exceed anything so far and personally there is nothing to compare that I have tried.

Read alot of the comments and tips and tricks in some of the posts I have written. I will try to write a whole page on it when I got some extra time.

As for $29, I think that is dirt cheap compared to what I paid for mine awhile back...It`s so good I would pay $100 for it. I did about 30 cars so far with it and my bottle is about half down. Cost per car is very cheap and under $1 per car. Actually it is more like .50 cents per car. 6-8 small drops will do a fender. 16 drops will do a whole hood.