View Full Version : Mold/mildew on my cloth top

06-19-2007, 07:56 PM
I have tried everything to get rid of the "stains" as most would call it, out of my cloth top on my deville. I have tried woolite, a cleaner which is specifically for cloth top that I bought at a pep boys. I have also used a brush and some soap but they will not budge. Is there anything out there that can get rid of this. It is all over my roof. It is even more noticeable when the cloth is wet. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

06-19-2007, 08:11 PM
I hear bleach and some hot water will kill mold on contact, but the bleach will obviously "bleach" the fabric. There is bleach for colors, though.

06-19-2007, 08:25 PM
"Bleach for colors" is not bleach in the sense that it contains no Sodium Hypochlorite, the active ingredient in conventional bleach. It isn`t as effective, and functions very differently from regular bleach. I realize this doesn`t help you and your cloth top in any way.

06-19-2007, 08:41 PM
Try 2 or 3 onces of bleach in a bucket full of water. It should be strong enough to remove the mold but won`t hurt the paint. Keep the car wet and do a section at a time.