View Full Version : Brand New Paint question

LandRvr Convert
06-17-2007, 08:36 PM
Hi all!

Tonight is my first post.

Tommorow, I will take delivery of a new 2007 Black Toyota 4Runner Limited V8.

My question is this. Should I wax /polish her immediatlely? This car just rolled off the ship from Japan last week so I guess the paint is only a few weeks old?? I have no idea.

Also, should I use a chamois cloth to dry after washing when the paint is so new or could that possible scratch the paint?

I have heard that new paint needs a few months to harden before you begin waxing/polishing/clay barring.

Is this true??

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

I plan on driving this SUV at least 10 years and I want to keep her looking as good as new for as long as possible.

Thanks in advance my detailing friends!!!!!!!!

Lee in Atlanta, GA

06-17-2007, 10:33 PM
I would definitely ask the dealer not to prep it or they will put plenty of swirls in for you( most likely). and the paint is FULLY CURED(baked) from the factory. If you had a new paint job you had put on yourself yes you would have to wait. Hope that helps.