View Full Version : Swirl Removal without Shade

06-16-2007, 07:29 AM
Most products tell you not to apply them in sunlight. However, I`ve seen on the Poorboy`s site that you can use their products in the sun.

Has anyone ever done so? Are they effective? I had figured on using this SSR line as well as polish.

I know shade would be best, but I live in an apartment and I have very limited options. I bought an EZ UP canopy, but there is no where w/ power to put it up, so that option didn`t work. I am tired of looking at the swirls on my car and I am hoping someone here can help me out.

06-16-2007, 08:28 AM
If you are working with a pc and the right polish then it`s ok. For rotary work I would never work in the sun. Most polishes react different in the sun and dry out fast. They also do not breakdown proper neither.

06-16-2007, 09:00 AM
I can use ZPC, optimum and HTEC in the sun. HTEC is more difficult to use by rotary in sunlight-it dries faster-but it can be done.

06-16-2007, 09:39 AM
I will be working with a PC.

So can I just keep the Optimum stuff and use that in the sun if I work in small areas.

06-16-2007, 08:22 PM
I can use ZPC, optimum and HTEC in the sun. HTEC is more difficult to use by rotary in sunlight-it dries faster-but it can be done. how hot outside? around this time of year, i have no choice sometimes but to work in the sun @ 100 degree weather using a rotary. i just dont go up that high in speed (1500 max) and watch out for any gumming or residue that sticks to the paint because if you let it dry too long, it will stick like mofo! what scares me sometimes is when i feel the paint afterwards and its scorching hot and feels rubbery :nervous2: i dont suggest anyone do this because im a low class, dont go for perfection just correction (what the heck is swirls?), who vendors to dealerships and burning the paint.. eh, they dont care although it doesnt happen much at all.. and the times i did burn the paint was on edges, not because of the heat which im being more careful on now. off topic but whats funny is the first time i burnt the paint at a dealership i got all scared and though i would be paying to respray the panel but that didnt happened. the guy didnt even know how burnt paint looks like and when he went outside to look at it.. he was like :nixweiss , you make me walk outside for this? :geez

06-16-2007, 08:38 PM
I will be working with a PC.

So can I just keep the Optimum stuff and use that in the sun if I work in small areas.

I use Op with a pc in direct sun (no choice) with good results.

06-16-2007, 09:16 PM

how much do you charge dealers and how long do you normally spend per job?

06-16-2007, 09:34 PM

how much do you charge dealers and how long do you normally spend per job?

normally $70.. sometimes $45 or if its really bad, $90. im suppose to be doing the touchup work there but after a while, it seems like theres no point on filling in a few chips and door edges when the car looks like **** so i started charging a little extra and doing a quick buff and they love it! you should see the other guys out there doing touchup work.. :nono .. they would apply touchup paint on the scratches everywhere on the car and 95% of the time, it looks like ****! im taking about long scratches filled with a bump of paint!.. just doesnt make sense and i dont know how the hell they could get away with that! i just dont want to be one of those guys. i do a pretty quick buff on the cars and dont do anything about swirls because ALL the cars are swirled and they wont pay me enough nor do they care. if its really badly swirled, i just tone it down a little while trying to get rid of the buffer trails i created (i suck, i know) until it looks decent or what they call, "sellable". o sorry for ranting.. average about an hour to an hour and a half a car and most likely half of that time is touchup work. $90 jobs, which thankfully i only run into 1 or 2 a day can take 2 to 3 hours. i dont really go for perfection, just correction like noticeable scratches, scuffs, anything that really pops out.

06-16-2007, 10:22 PM
Most products tell you not to apply them in sunlight. However, I`ve seen on the Poorboy`s site that you can use their products in the sun.

Has anyone ever done so? Are they effective? I had figured on using this SSR line as well as polish.

I know shade would be best, but I live in an apartment and I have very limited options. I bought an EZ UP canopy, but there is no where w/ power to put it up, so that option didn`t work. I am tired of looking at the swirls on my car and I am hoping someone here can help me out.

I`ve used their products in the sun. Its not ideal but it can be done. I did have a lot of dusting issues though. Why do you need power to put up your EZ UP Canopy? Dont you just push the middle up and fold out?

06-16-2007, 10:26 PM
I`m guessing the power problem is in regards to items like a PC or vacuum; not the canopy.

06-16-2007, 10:36 PM
Anyone have success with applying Red Moose Glaze in direct sunlight?

Haha, with questions like these, summer must truly be upon us.

06-17-2007, 09:20 AM
thanks for all the input.

yes, the power is for the PC, not the canopy :)

I guess I will just keep the Optimum stuff rather than return that and get the Poorboy`s stuff.