View Full Version : Bird Turd !!

06-15-2007, 07:13 AM
Anybody got any hints / tips for getting rid off etching ?

I got home from work last night and discovered that the biggest bird EVER had dumped it`s load on my hood (on the passenger side), which I didn`t see until I got home, so it was all nicely caked on and crusty.

I sprayed it with a QD spray, and let it soak, and then removed it - quite easily, Thank God !

The only prob is that it`s left the usual "etching" (the paint kinda looks blurred just under where the bird turd was)

Do you guys know off any miracle remover for this ?.....or do you think using the Menzerna with the PC tomorrow morning will get rid off it ?

Thanks in advance

Setec Astronomy
06-15-2007, 08:31 AM
There`s a couple of ways, one is to simply remove the damaged paint by polishing, in the same way you would remove any other marring or scratch--providing it isn`t so deep that you will remove too much paint. Another method which is sorta successful is to use a glaze like Meg`s #7 or similar, which can sometimes hide one of these etches pretty well. It all depends on the porosity of it, etc.

06-15-2007, 11:31 AM
i had to wet sand this bad boy out...


mid sanding shot...still some more pits to sand out


polished and gone !


06-15-2007, 11:37 AM
that looks great steveo

06-15-2007, 12:05 PM
steveo3002 : amazing work there bud, but I don`t think my confidence and experience would allow me to wet-sand my car...LOL :o

Setec Astronomy : Thanks for the advice. Finger`s crossed it`ll be as straight-forward as polisihing it with the PC as you suggested. I`ll give it a go tomorrow. :xyxthumbs

PS. when you said about the glaze (dumb question time...haha), are you referring to a type of filler polish like Meg`s NXT as I have some off this at home ? Or am I completely barking up the wrong tree ?

08-25-2007, 01:48 AM
Um... what`s PC? I have the same problem with the bird droppings and it has etched into my paint... It was there for a few hours :( Should I clay bar then apply any kind of polish? Would the turtle ICE polish be good enough?.

08-25-2007, 03:21 AM
pc = porter cable , its a machine buffer

if you have a etching like mine a claybar wont touch it, you need to wet sand then polish with a meduim cut polish

ive not used turtle wax ice...if it has some cut to it maybe it will work?

08-25-2007, 11:14 AM
another option is a compound, wool pad and rotary