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06-11-2007, 06:38 PM
SHMITT vs. LC mitt

I was able to get my hands on two of the new Lake Country mitts everyone’s raving about. I’ve been using the different shmitts for about a year now and I love it. I was hesitant to do any review or comment too much about it until I was able to actually use one. The design of the mitts is very eye catching and would help to get possible buyers attention, but after using them I’m very disappointed. Their very bulky and don’t fit my hands very good, and I have larger hands. They do hold soap well, but so does the shmitt. I tried using the two mitts for a full day, but found myself getting very frustrated w/ them and had to switch back to my shmitts.



Here is the picture of the yellow LC mitt showing where it has already ripped. Yes it ripped after a half a day of use. The shmitts do tear as well w/ larger hands, but once the hole is big enough for you hand the tearing stops. The LC mitt hole is already large enough so the ripping wasn’t caused from the fitting.



The mitts are double sided like the shmitts so if you need one for heaving cleaning you have to change mitts instead of just flipping the mitt over to the coarser side. I know many have said they like the LC mitts because the cubes let the dirt or debris go into the mitt to help prevent marring. What I noticed was that whatever debris got into my yellow mitt would not rinse clean.


One thing I like about the shmitt is how it fits on hand your snuggly so that you can squeeze it or bend it to shape. The LC mitt is too large to control its shape.



And last, but not least the LC mitt is supposedly going to cost more than the double sided Edge shmitts. How is this going to work? Why pay more for half the mitt? I gave it a honest effort, but the Shmitt wins the battle hands down. In my opinion, Lake Country tried to get in the wash mitt market, but they should of taken a few more steps to insure they were producing a high quality alternative. Hope you enjoy this review.


Setec Astronomy
06-11-2007, 06:58 PM
Just in the interest of full disclosure, you have a business relationship with Dedication to Detail (the folks who make Edge), don`t you?

06-11-2007, 07:05 PM
I`m working w/ them on something that has nothing to do w/ the sell of shmitts. I hope everyone understands that I was only trying to do an honest review of a new product. I`m going to do more testing tomorrow w/ the red one to see if my opinon changes.

06-11-2007, 07:36 PM
Whats with the string on your white Schmitt??? Mine doesn`t have that.

06-11-2007, 07:42 PM
It`s a prototype they`re working on. It`s for putting on your wrists to help prevent dropping it or you can hang it up when finished. Works well!

06-11-2007, 08:34 PM
Thanks for the review, but I hope that newer members or anyone unaware of your business ties with Edge, even if it has nothing to do with the sale of shmitts.

You also have a close tie with Justin and Autogeek, as your video of you cleaning your hands are helping sell the Scrub Daddy (made by Edge) on Autogeek`s website.

And as far as we know, none of us are even able to purchase the LC mitts from Autogeek yet, so you must have some sort of connection (most likely AG?) if you already have the LC mitts in your hands.

*End of disclosure*

06-11-2007, 08:40 PM
Call it what you want. Buy hundreds of them if you want. I could care less. It`s just not as good as the shmitt in my opinion. I use many products not sold my AG or EDGE. If the LC mitt was better I`d be the using it. Yes Justin and I are close friends, but it doesn`t have anything to do w/ my review. I was given the scrub daddy by Jon from EDGE at Detail Fest and like it and decided to do a review of it. AG then asked if I cared if they used and I said of course not. I thought it would be cool to see my hands on the internet. That`s all it amount to.

06-11-2007, 08:44 PM
damn shady got the raw end of this deal.

06-11-2007, 08:54 PM
I say give the guy a break. I for one am glad for the the comparison and appreciate peeople taking time to elaborate on new products. Granted by my nature I am skeptical of everyone on the internet, so take the comparison it for what it`s worth, free info.

He certainly didn`t convince me to buy a Schmitt! Or an LC mitt!

06-11-2007, 09:17 PM
He certainly didn`t convince me to buy a Schmitt! Or an LC mitt!

Completely agree, neither one seems to have any significant advantage over a sheepskin mitt or even a grout sponge IMO.

a.k.a. Patrick
06-11-2007, 09:44 PM
Hmmmmm.........Ive used the LC Ultimitt and am rather fond of it..........Ive never used the Scmitt thing though...What is the size difference anyway?

David Fermani
06-11-2007, 09:55 PM
Nice review. Any difference in softness or suddsing abilities between the 2? Do you think the LC is more likely to trap dirt in between the fingers and requires more labor to clean out?

06-11-2007, 10:18 PM
Everyone, give the guy a f*cking break will you! He posted an honest review of both products and all of a sudden everyone is screaming conspiracy theory.

Personally, I appreciate the review and will be sticking with my ShMITT.

I hope this gets posted on AG as well!!!

06-11-2007, 10:26 PM
Completely agree, neither one seems to have any significant advantage over a sheepskin mitt or even a grout sponge IMO.

I agree. I am glad to read this, however I have tried the Schmitt myself and dislike it enough that not only do I not use it, I generally do not recommend it. I think a sheepskin mitt is much better, and barring that a chenille or even microfiber mitt would be preferable.

a.k.a. Patrick
06-12-2007, 12:09 AM
I think a sheepskin mitt is much better, and barring that a chenille or even microfiber mitt would be preferable.

