View Full Version : airplane help

06-10-2007, 10:24 PM
hello all,

i`m new here and looking for help for an airplane finish that needs help. the paint is cracking and starting to peel. the plane needs to be repainted. is there anything i can do in the interim to avoid corrosion and maintain what paint there is left? thanks. hope you can help.

06-10-2007, 10:30 PM
Ive never worked on planes or anything like that, but I wouldnt suggest doing any polishing. Maybe a nice sealant would work to preserve whats left?? Klasse AIO followed by SG?


06-10-2007, 10:35 PM
You need to talk to Joe of Superior Shine in Southern Calfornia. I think he`s a member here. I`ve seen some aluminum anti-corosion agents, but I can`t remeber the names of the products.