View Full Version : Calling all polish experts (especially Menzerna experts)

06-09-2007, 05:45 PM
I took the PC plunge two years ago this month, and even though I’ve used the PC – and the products I bought to use with it -- less than a half-dozen times, I’m seriously considering a polish switch. I’m looking for help with the decision -- basically, opinions on whether it’s a change worth making.

I’m thinking about buying Menzerna’s Super-Intensive Polish (PO83Q) and Nano Polish (PO106FF) to replace the Sonus SFX-2 and SFX-3 I’ve been using. If you’d rather not delve into the semi-long-winded background I’m about to provide, please just let me know what you think of that potential switch.

Here’s the background. I’ll apologize in advance for the length.

After buying the PC at Lowe’s, I bought the SFX-2 and SFX-3 and the DAS orange, green and blue pads from Autopia. When I made the polish-and-pads purchase, I talked with an Autopia “adviser” – a local detailer, I guess – on the phone. It was he who recommended the SFX polishes and the DAS pads. Per his advice, I used the SFX-2 on the green pad. Well, I don’t think I ever accomplished a whole lot of swirl and fine-scratch removal using that combination. (Most of my efforts have been on a Nighthawk Black Pearl 2004 Acura TSX, by the way.) Given my lack of experience with the PC and the products, I have to acknowledge that technique may have had something to do with the results I achieved, although I felt pretty comfortable using the PC fairly quickly. I’ve never tried the SFX-2 with the orange DAS pad, but I did have occasion to try it with a much older Griot’s orange pad, which is a little smaller in diameter and somewhat less thick than the DAS pads. It might be a little firmer than the orange DAS pad, too. (I didn’t have the DAS pads with me at the time; that’s why I tried the Griot’s pad.) Well, I think the SFX-2 was significantly more effective when used with the Griot’s pad than it had been on the green DAS pad. I felt as though my efforts were at least reasonably worthwhile.

Now, having read some raves about them, I’m contemplating giving the aforementioned Menzerna polishes a try, even though I have a lot of the Sonus polishes left and even though the Menzerna purchase would be pretty expensive. What I’m after is the biggest bang for my time investment. If I’m going to go out and spend a good-sized chunk of my day trying to get the car looking its best, I’d to get some impressive results – or at least as impressive as a relatively inexperienced person can reasonably expect to get using a PC. From what I’ve read here about the Menzerna polishes, I’m thinking that they would be a significant step up, effectiveness-wise, from the SFX polishes.

I see that both of the Menzerna polishes (from Autogeek) would come with what’s described as a “low-profile 5.5-inch light cutting pad.” How that pad compares with the DAS pads and the orange Griot’s pad I already have, I don’t know – I’m guessing that it’s similar in firmness to the Griot’s pad and the orange DAS pad – but I assume it would be the best bet for use with the Menzerna products. Agree?

One other question. (Sorry.) Given that the PO83Q would be the primary weapon against the swirls and fine scratches, do you think one of the Sonus polishes I already have would do well enough as a finishing polish to make buying the PO106FF unnecessary? Or is the PO106FF so superior that I definitely ought to buy it as a companion for the PO83Q?

06-10-2007, 12:56 AM
I feel like getting in trouble, so I`m going to take a stab at this :)

I think you`re making a classic beginner`s mistake in any endeavor - thinking product brand makes a difference. It doesn`t, except for having the right product category for the task. It sounds like you`re trying to do correction (although somewhat minor) on a car that hasn`t seen a pc before. The product categories you`re using are a finish polish, which won`t do anything, and a light polish that won`t either - think of it as a "maintenance" polish. I say that without having tried any of the line, but based on broad experience in "how things work."

So, yeah, the SIP is, I assume, a stronger abrasive than the SFX2, but so are a gazillion other products that don`t cost near as much (although I can`t remember the price now, it`s still $$$.) If you`re maintaining your own cars, you`ll use it once (assuming it works) and never again. The people that like it so much are mostly pros, or at least active amateurs :D The PO106FF is great I presume since I`ve used the BFSRC-FP which is the same thing pretty much. But category wise, this stuff is in the same group as your SFX2. Good stuff once you`ve got everything cleaned up, but you need something stronger to get you there.

All I know on pads is LC, and I`ve very comfortable sticking with those. Broad line, lots of sizes and options. Many polishes are pad sensitive, so the pad can make a big difference in both directions - correct and finish with the same product and different pads if you`re lucky and don`t like to play with products. I`d recommend getting some ~5" pads from Danase and/or AG. I`d go with the orange and white from AG (5.5") and the green and black from Danase (5".) The AG are flat, the Danase are CCS. Get at least two 4" orange at one or the other. Get at least two of all of them actually. While at Danase, pick up some Four Star Body Shop MCC. Try it on the green pad, then the larger orange pad, then the 4" orange pad. If you can`t make good progress on Acura paint with that, then your technique is lacking somehow, or you paint is pretty seriously marred.

The pad suggestions above are just me. The main idea is to lay in a supply of multiple examples of a reasonable range of pads. You never know what`s going to work, and what works for someone else might not work for you - you need options and the willingness to experiment and learn the subtleties. The pad descritions are on the sites.

AG (http://autogeek.net/exteriorcare.html)

Danase (http://www.danase.com/excarca.html)

06-10-2007, 02:38 PM
I agree with Bob_G mostly. It sounds like you need something with a bit more cut than what you have. The SIP is good, and it isn`t super expensive either at $30. The pad that comes with it is an excellent match too. I`d try out the SIP and use one of the finishing polishes you already have to follow it up.

06-10-2007, 07:47 PM
rx280- I`m not experienced enough with Menzerna or the SFX line to say whether you oughta switch or not, but FWIW I`m *NOT* in favor of struggling to master products; there`s plenty of stuff that`s user-friendly so I save myself the trouble.

But I *do* know from Griot`s orange pads :D They`re *VERY* mild, despite their firmness and open-pore nature. I`d use just about *anybody* else`s pad for real correction, and it`s not like I dislike the GG`s orange (I have a scad of them and like them for some jobs). I once amazed myself by trying GG`s Machine Polish #2 by Cyclo; I`d always used it by PC/GG`s orange before that, and *man* did it cut better with the Cyclo and its polishing pads!

But generally, correction by PC *does* take quite a while, no matter what you use.

06-10-2007, 09:41 PM
From my four years of experience with sonus and menzerna by rotary, I find the finish quality goes to menzerna but sonus ain`t far off. It`s really only the RD and 106FF that beats it

Sonus SFX 2 is a 1500 to 2000 grit compound and polish. It`s stronger IMO than SIP 83Q aka PO85RD 3.01.

The cutting power of SIP is much weaker than PO91L. They are both labelled as 1500 to 2000 grit but 91L is definately stronger on conventional clears.

Sorry I don`t have any PC experience as I still haven`t got around to getting my voltage adaptor but from the vids I`ve seen and what I`ve read, SFX 2 should cut out a heck of a lot by PC. It just takes longer by PC.

I would get the 106FF and PO91L aka PO91E, keep SFX 2 and 3 but get SFX 1 as well. That`s gritty stuff (1200grit) and cuts out almost anything by rotary with a DAS orange pad

The DAS pads work very nicely by rotary but the green one could be a little stronger IMO. An LC green or white work better.

SFX 1 with orange, 91L with green or white LC and SFX 3 or 106FF with DAS blue should look after your needs extremely well and deliver the results you want.

SFX 3 i(V2 (latest one) is a beautiful finishing polish and I do not recommend you remove it from your lineup.

09-28-2009, 07:52 PM
The pads offered from Menzerna are worth the money all day long. I have no experience with a PC I think that is short for porter cable. I use an angle power polisher from Makita. If you have any more questions please get back. The menzerna pads can be purchased in three or 4 colors. They are easier to control on the polishing surface than say a 7 inch pad. Be Well Ben.

09-28-2009, 07:57 PM
The other product I use for correction is PRESTA CHROMA POLISH part # 133532 SUPERIOR on black. Use with the PRESTA nylon/wool blend pad in green. YOU HAVE TO USE A REAL POWER POLISHER @ 1400 RPM or you will not accomplish correction. Thanks Ben

09-28-2009, 08:00 PM
I am going to another thread ...if you need any other help please call Paintxpert@gmail.com ANYTIME and check out the products I mentioned. I am glad many like the Menzerna as I do...but now I like the FUSION just AS MUCH!!!!! from ZAINO! Seal up with whatever looks great! Ben