View Full Version : Little more help please (exterior detailing by hand)

06-07-2007, 09:09 PM
OK so i had a thread a few days ago about this but i am still wondering. I have a large blue SUV and am do a lot of exterior detailing tomorrow on it. So far i am

Washing (Menzerna)

Claying (Mother`s)

Glazing (Menzerna)

FMJ (Menzerna)

Carnaunba Wax (Mother`s)

I am wondering if i should maybe to a little polishing witht the Menzerna polish. I would be doing it by hand and my car is large. Will i still get good results without it? Would i get better results if i did a really quick polish by hand. Also i was gonna Glaze, but can i do that if i`m not gonna polish (will it make things worse better or do nothing)?

And finaly do i need to wash the car again after Claying?

Thanks (btw all your cars look sick on this site)

06-07-2007, 09:34 PM
Take two 2 foot by two foot sections and try polish followed by glaze on one and just glaze on another - polishing by hand will tire ya out pretty good but it might improve the surface or it might lead to micromarring on softer paints. It`s hard to say without seeing it in person.

David Fermani
06-07-2007, 09:35 PM
You won`t need to re-wash it after claying, but you *could* dry/wipe it down. You arms are going to be really sore after all those steps by hand. Good luck.

06-07-2007, 09:42 PM
So if i dont polish is it still ok to glaze or will it mess stuff up.

Also what improvment do you think i am going to see do all the stuff listed above. In the past i have only used cheap car wash and wax as you dry spray. Am i gonna be really happy or will i not see much improvement?


David Fermani
06-07-2007, 10:01 PM
I think you are using really good products that have produced incredible results from pictures I`ve seen here. I think you have alot of work cut out for you, especially if you`re doing 3 steps. You might want to look into a good All-In-One product and then wax it. You might not notice a difference by hand and at the same time save alot of time and Motrin.

06-07-2007, 10:10 PM
Well do you think i should still glaze if i don`t polish. And it`s gonna be a lot of work but it is overdo.

David Fermani
06-07-2007, 10:16 PM
IMHO glaze and polish is redundant. They both do the same thing. Each one can have little or no abrasives and they both clean and shine the paint.