View Full Version : Problems with Z-PC and orange pad

06-06-2007, 08:02 AM

I was hoping you could be of some help in getting some minor to medium swirls out of a 2003 black mustang GT. I read up last month on polishes and decided that Z-PC would knock out my paiont’s imperfections with an orange pad. It seems that it’s supposed to be very pad dependant from everything I’ve read so I figured starting with a 6.5 LC flat orange pad and finishing with a 6.5” LC blue finishing pad would do the trick. I’m using a rotary at around 1,000 – 1,300 rpm.

I can make the paint shine and give it a deep look with the blue pad but can’t seem to get the orange pad to work without making things worse. I didn’t expect it to be as stiff as it is and end up inducing more marring then when I started. From some other posts here is seems like a lot of guys are able to finish down the ZPC quite well with the orange pad so not sure what I’m doing wrong. I’ve tried using more product and just a little with the same results. I am hitting the pad with a shot of detail spray first to condition it.

I figure that I’m doing something incorrect (the most likely cause) or that maybe I just don’t need that aggressive of a pad? The blue pad is nice and soft, it finishes out with a nice gloss but fails to get some of the deeper marring. The orange pad just seems to be so rough on the paint. I’m just letting the weight of the machine do the work, no pressure.

I can’t help but wonder if I should order some menzerna IP and FP (or maybe just SIP) to use with the blue pad? My best guess here is that I’m using a pad that’s too abrasive for my needs and that maybe a softer bad with IP might provide a better bite for the deeper swirls but not be so harsh on the paint? I do have a PC but would much rather figure out how to use the rotary, especially on the black paint.

Unfortunately no matter how many pictures I took they didn’t really capture the problem, it was cloudy out when I did this.

Sorry for the long post. I never would have attempted this without the great instruction on this forum and appreciate any feedback and help. Thank you in advance.

06-06-2007, 08:08 AM
I guess im not really sure what the problem is

CLiff notes maybe? :lol

06-06-2007, 08:31 AM
Thanks for the reply. Cliff notes would be that the orange pad seems too stiff and does more harm than good. Blue finishes out nice but doesn`t get everything. I think I might need to try some menzerna IP with the blue pad but want to check with you guys before ordering.


06-06-2007, 08:34 AM
You can`t finish an orange pad on med to soft paint, period. A lot of the advice on here is from people who have no clue. I have seen several autopians work here in Orlando and I had to laugh at how BAD it was.

On a car such as a Corvette that uses very hard, urethane paint, you might be able to finish with an orange pad if you very skilled.

Z-PC is a nice polish, though mild. You are really using the pad in this case to relevel the paint, so you are going to get some marring. My advice, use the orange pad and ZPC to clean up the deeper defects then follow with the blue pad to remove what the orange pad left behind.

06-06-2007, 08:46 AM
Hi TH0001,

Thanks for the reply and honest help. Are you saying the the Mustang has relatively soft paint when compared to GM cars? This would make sense and explain my problems. If that`s the case at least I don`t need to buy more polish :)