View Full Version : Car recently detailed, how to keep it fresh?

05-30-2007, 05:23 PM
Here`s another question that has been asked and answered 1000 times, but when I do a search the word "detail" comes up pretty often, sooo........

Just had a friend detail the car and it`s great. The paint is slick and seems like dirt and dust doesn`t stick to it. Though, theres plenty of pollen on the car and I want to know how to safely clean the car while not stripping the wax off. If anything, I want to preserver the wax on it as much as possible. This goes for the paint, the rims and tires, and the black plastic molding. Thanks!

05-30-2007, 05:32 PM
You will need different products for different areas (this is something you probably know, but we want to be ont he same page...)

First, for the paint: Did he finish with a carnuba? synthetic? Some people around here, including myself find some quick detailers work better with certain LSPs.

You could also apply another coat of whatever was last applied, if you wish.

You can also get away with applying the same for protectant for the wheels as the paint on the body of the car.

I usually use meguiars tire gel on bumpers, tires, and exterior plastic (example: cowling). For things like rubber weatherstripping I use products that are more liquid, like sonus total eclipse.

05-30-2007, 05:39 PM
Just go to autozone and get a few things. No need to be anal about it. Get some car wash, a mitt or 2, some dressing and some decent rags. And a chamois. If it was just detailed then its not going to take much effort to clean it. Wash it and dry it, and dress everything if you feel you need to.

05-30-2007, 05:40 PM
Depending on the type of wax that was put on, washing it is ok. After I do the works on my car, i use a genuine woll mit from this site, with p21s wash and plenty of water.

Finish looks like day 1, and I have multiple coats of p21s wax on there now.

05-30-2007, 05:47 PM
While you are at the auto store picking up supplies, get some quick detailer like Meguiars. After a couple weeks the shine won`t quite be as good as it is now, so if you spray this stuff and wipe it off, it will return most of the shine. Or if you have a Car Quest you can pick up some Duragloss Aquawax. After drying the car, again just spray it on and buff it off with a microfiber towel. That is an actual wax, so it will really give it a great shine again.

05-30-2007, 06:58 PM
For the pollen issue, I suggest you try a California Car Duster...the original kind. The cheap/Wal-Mart specials just aren`t the same.

Use the CA Duster from the belt line up.