View Full Version : getting finalized...

05-26-2007, 02:16 PM
Hey everybody, im taking this next week off from work and id like to get a new fresh detail on my yukon. I currently just fully cleaned the interior with scotch-guard and all, so the interior is done. I have planned for the truck a wash, clay, K-aio, sealant, and then wax, it`s all picked out. I just need some final info before i start. It`s supposed to rain today and tommarow so im gonna have to wait till monday probuly. Now on to the questions...I plan on claying right after my wash, while the truck is still wet, do i have to wash the truck again after claying or can i just rinse it off with water? I plan on putting a layer of Klasse AIO on anyways. Im pretty much set on the sealant aspect, but im gonna use natty`s blue for wax, how long usually do you guys wait for it to cure? 12hrs-24hrs? Im gonna have the truck in the garage so it doesn`t really matter but just hoping for 3-4 layers of nattys on it. Thanks i know its gonna be a long tiring week, i just got some 24" wheels for it too, so ill be putting them on this week also. If anybody`s intrested ill probuly post pics when im done. Thanks for any info


05-26-2007, 02:23 PM
After claying, you can just rinse off with water. Dunno about the other things.. But definitely want to see some pictures!

05-26-2007, 02:24 PM
Wait 24 hours if you can...Nattys over KAIO will look very good. Might want to seal those wheels with KAIO as well.

05-26-2007, 02:28 PM
thanks guys, yea i already sealed the wheels with KAIO and 3 coats of KSG:)