View Full Version : EDGE PC users:

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05-24-2007, 02:33 PM
Do any of you experience problems/issues with your adapters being that it takes all the force and power of the PC

What speed do you typically use on your PC with what pad?


05-24-2007, 02:35 PM
I`m new with the using of the Edge pads, but never had a problem with the adapter. I use 3 for spreading the product, and 5-6 for polishing-cutting.

Crazy Quattro
05-24-2007, 02:36 PM
How much pressure you applying when using your PC?

05-24-2007, 02:50 PM
I used the edge system for about eight months on PC and rotary. Great system, although I have had 2 adapters fail, (i.e. bearings pop out.), the Customer service is SUPERIOR, aaron and his staff are TERRIFIC.

I would not reccomend using it with the PC at 6 for extended periods. The reason being is that the PC has its limits and the vibration will eat up the adapters after a while. That being said, if you find yourself needing speed 6 use light pressure. Anything that requires more I would reccomend a rotary or possibly the new UDM, depending on its capabilities.

I wouldn`t think about switching from the edge system EVER. I LOVE IT.

I know that I may sound like a broken record, but I can`t stress how good the EDGE customer service is....you have a problem, anything, let them know, and in my experience...They take very good care of you.

Edit: I only had problems with the adapters on my PC after using it at speed 6 for correction and moderate pressure. The adapters lasted months before they failed. I have had ZERO problems with it for my rotary. Since knowing this I have not had a problem, and probably won`t.

05-24-2007, 05:18 PM
Im gonna mimic what NSX said.

I stopped using it on my PC and now and only use it on my rotary, i couldnt imagine using anything else on my rotary other than the edge2K system, as long as they produce this system i will use it and cry if they ever stop.

The problem with the PC is it makes any BP or edge adapter super super hot when used at 5-6 for extended periods of time, unlike the rotary. I think it warps the adapter and it loses its bearings. To be honnest it does the same thing to BP`s so either way you have the chance to mess up the BP or adapter, its just the nature of the machine.

05-24-2007, 06:32 PM
FWIW, I`ve been using the edge system on my PC for a while now and haven`t had any problems - I almost never run below speed 6. I`ve also never had a BP fail on me either - YMMV.

05-24-2007, 06:54 PM
+1 on the customer service.

05-24-2007, 09:45 PM
Well I know Aaron`s customer service is great, I have dealt with him before.

I am just inquiring to see if anyone has had problems with the PC adapter. Aaron had mention to NOT use the PC regularly at 5 or 6 as that will cause the adapter to fail more often, but rather, to step up the aggressiveness of the pad...

I was attempting to see who (if any) has had problems with their adapters for the PC, which in turn, might cause wear on the pads.

05-25-2007, 10:05 PM
Well I know Aaron`s customer service is great, I have dealt with him before.

I am just inquiring to see if anyone has had problems with the PC adapter. Aaron had mention to NOT use the PC regularly at 5 or 6 as that will cause the adapter to fail more often, but rather, to step up the aggressiveness of the pad...

I was attempting to see who (if any) has had problems with their adapters for the PC, which in turn, might cause wear on the pads.

In addition to what I said in my previous post, I have had no accelerated wear on the pads. Just don`t apply too much pressure at 6 for long periods of time.

I do wonder if the vibration issue with the PC will be the same with the UDM. I think that because the PC tends to bog it probably contributes to the adapter abuse, whereas the UDM supposedly doesn`t bog as easily. Sorry, I`m off topic.

05-27-2007, 09:29 AM
FWIW, I`ve been using the edge system on my PC for a while now and haven`t had any problems - I almost never run below speed 6. I`ve also never had a BP fail on me either - YMMV.

How long is a while?

Aaron had told me to NOT use speed 6 consistantly as that is what ruins the adapters

05-27-2007, 09:31 AM
In addition to what I said in my previous post, I have had no accelerated wear on the pads. Just don`t apply too much pressure at 6 for long periods of time.

I do wonder if the vibration issue with the PC will be the same with the UDM. I think that because the PC tends to bog it probably contributes to the adapter abuse, whereas the UDM supposedly doesn`t bog as easily. Sorry, I`m off topic.

I also do not apply more than 10-15 lbs of pressure to the machine. I was told to use no more than that as well.

Will the Edge system even fit the UDM? I read the liability statement that "it cannot be garuanteed to work with other systems," which to me mean that it is unknow that Edge would garuantee the pads/applicator on this machine, given that theirs was designed for the PC. But that`s a different topic..........

05-27-2007, 09:45 AM
Of course it fits the UDM, dunno why people think its a totaly different machine. It functions 100% better but its still the same machine.

imported_Ivan Rajic
05-27-2007, 10:57 AM
Ryan I`d stick with edge for the rotary only (which I think you`re already doing)... the 1st or 2nd reply, the one talking about great customer service, reminded me of the 6.5" LC pads "malfunction" thread... great customer service, but who cares about that when you constantly have to ship stuff back and get new stuff...

I have used the PC on 2 detail jobs so far thanks to Arnel for 1 and got my own by the 2nd detail... PC was used constantly on speed 6 (as I don`t see how any less of a speed could correct anything, but I am new..) and I never had a problem with the Meguiar`s backing plate with 6.5" LC pads... sure it got warm after a couple hours of constant use, but there was no deformations in the backing plate or the pad

Are you thinking of picking up a PC ? or the edge system for your pc?

05-27-2007, 04:25 PM
How long is a while?

Aaron had told me to NOT use speed 6 consistantly as that is what ruins the adapters

I got the edge system in December and haven`t used anything else on the PC since. I`m not a pro detailer, but I have used the PC an awful lot lately, and I`m a firm believer in the school of thought that maintains the PC is absolutely useless below speed 6 for trying to correct anything.

06-01-2007, 12:34 PM
I got the edge system in December and haven`t used anything else on the PC since. I`m not a pro detailer, but I have used the PC an awful lot lately, and I`m a firm believer in the school of thought that maintains the PC is absolutely useless below speed 6 for trying to correct anything.

I was under the assumption that speed 6 was the best in order to correct paint conditions as well.

Aaron however, indicated that we shouldn`t be using 6 that much, if any and using 5 rarely. He said to step up the pad aggressiveness.