View Full Version : 6" Edge Wool Pads

05-21-2007, 05:02 PM
Arrived today from AG. Man, I`m impressed with the customer service from AG. After reading Changeling`s thread about 6" wool pads, I just had to get some. So last Thursday, I called up AG, and the customer service guy I talked with was very knowledgeable ( as opposed to the average CompUSA, Best Buy, etc. help... "Dude, this is like a really good plasma screen. It`s a LCD projector, with VGA resolution...") he immediately knew exactly the pads I was talking about. Order placed on Thursday, and UPS just delivered them today. Big thumbs up to AG.

One thing concerns me about using double sided pads... Has anyone had any problems with contaminating the upper surface with stuff that could possibly damage the finish when you flip the pad over to use the upper surface? Would a spurring take care of this potential problem? The pads themselves appear to be very well-made. Here`s a pic of em:


05-21-2007, 05:11 PM
I`m in the process is purchasing Edge pads and also considering the wools pads. There is a local store that carries them but the lady that works there doesn`t even know who makes them. I know it`s Edge but I want to be 100% sure. The packaging is in a clear, white and red.

Would you mind turning over one of those packages and taking a picture of it. They look the same but I`d like to be 100% sure. I would be greatly appreciated.



05-21-2007, 05:14 PM
I`m in the process is purchasing Edge pads and also considering the wools pads. There is a local store that carries them but the lady that works there doesn`t even know who makes them. I know it`s Edge but I want to be 100% sure. The packaging is in a clear, white and red.

Would you mind turning over one of those packages and taking a picture of it. They look the same but I`d like to be 100% sure. I would be greatly appreciated.



I`ll go snap one right now. :)

Edit: here ya go.... there`s not even a part number or a manufacturer name on it anywhere.. kinda strange.

Edit again: Actually, there`s small print in the bottom left.. "Edge Pads manufacturer and distributor....."


05-21-2007, 06:55 PM
Thanks! That`s the exact same packaging they had. Maybe I`ll buy from them knowing that they are Edge pads. I`ll have to go back and see if Edge is the manufacturer. I looked for their name but didn`t see it or didn`t look hard enough.

Chemical Guys also carries Edge pads so I might drive out there this weekend.


05-21-2007, 08:31 PM
You lucky bugger!! Im still not allowed to order the 6" wool :wall

And Johnnie27 your a lucky bugger too!!!! My local supply store dont even know that there are pads that are smaller than 9"!!! let alone carry anything worth a darn.

05-21-2007, 11:22 PM
You lucky bugger!! Im still not allowed to order the 6" wool :wall

And Johnnie27 your a lucky bugger too!!!! My local supply store dont even know that there are pads that are smaller than 9"!!! let alone carry anything worth a darn.

Chemical Guys is about 30 miles from me so I`ll be driving out there this weekend. I spoke to Paul at CG today and he was really cool and funny. He encouraged me to go out there during the week for some free hands-on lessons so I get to touch and feel the products.