View Full Version : Z Best carnauba wax = rebottled version of what?

05-15-2007, 07:20 PM
Hey all.

A long time ago, I was at a car show, and a vendor there was selling a wax called "Z Best". The bottle states it is a carnauba with no abrasives. It is a liquid wax and is pink in color. I have never seen this wax anywhere before or since.

I bought two bottles and have been using it for a long time.

Someone told me they thought that Z Best was just some other brand of wax, rebottled.

It claims it protects for 6 months.

If anyone knows anything about this product, please share what you know. I`ve been using it on my car for a while and just want to know what I`ve actually been using, if this stuff is any good, and how long I should really be going since my last application before I do something to the car.

I`m actually planning on switching to something like ZAIO followed by DG AW or something easy like that... and just wondering how long I should wait.

05-16-2007, 01:34 AM
no one`s heard of Z Best at all? I found their website... apparently they run TV commercials on this stuff... which for some reason seems more like a bad sign than a good one

Envious Eric
05-16-2007, 01:35 AM
liquid luster?????

05-16-2007, 01:46 AM
dunno... maybe it`s NOT rebottled? I have a hard time believing it`s rebottled from some other brand if they are doing infomercials.

Someone told me they thought it was after I mentioned I bought it off some vendor guy at a car show.

I dunno it seems like decent stuff anyways, not that I`m any kind of expert to judge. But being a liquid and carnauba based I have to assume I`m not going to get more than a few months protection out of it.