View Full Version : A few questions

05-14-2007, 02:26 PM
I`ve been lurking on here for a while and finally decided to post. I just bought a 2005 WRX, it`s crystal grey metallic, and I want to repair and preserve the paint as best as possible. As I understand it, the Subaru paint is pretty soft and prone to chips. I am going to be spending the summer up in the Adirondacks, where the car will have no shelter, so I need something durable. Overall I would put durability before looks for right now.

From my understanding, sealants are more durable right?

Also, will a medium clay do my paint any harm if used properly?

Please point me in the right direction.

My first order of business is to repair this gaping wound. I`ve read all about how to do the repair on here and a few other places, I`ll post back with my results.

http://tribrolan.com/car/resized/12.jpg (http://tribrolan.com/car/original/12.jpg)

Some super hard substance that is impossible to remove with regular washing, maybe tree sap. Will claying take this off?

http://tribrolan.com/car/resized/7.jpg (http://tribrolan.com/car/original/7.jpg)

Some weird surface stain. Again will claying remove, or will this require some type of compound?

http://tribrolan.com/car/resized/9.jpg (http://tribrolan.com/car/original/9.jpg)

Close up of pitting and chips on lens. Can the plastic lens be sealed/protected the same as paint?

http://tribrolan.com/car/resized/4.jpg (http://tribrolan.com/car/original/4.jpg)

http://tribrolan.com/car/resized/5.jpg (http://tribrolan.com/car/original/5.jpg)

http://tribrolan.com/car/resized/6.jpg (http://tribrolan.com/car/original/6.jpg)

05-14-2007, 02:35 PM
From my understanding also, sealants are more durable. I use Klasse in my suv and so far I like the result I`m getting.

And yes clay wont hurt your paint and you can use any clay kits you like.

Good luck in your project!!!

05-15-2007, 09:01 AM
Added photos. Any more help would be appreciated.

05-22-2007, 11:29 AM
Still seeking reccomendations for polish and wax for the soft paint. Something that makes the silver flake stand out. Anyone?


05-22-2007, 12:04 PM
I would try isopropyl alcohol on the tree sap and stain first, and if that doesn`t work try tarminator. I think you`ll have a tough time removing those with clay.

I`m not sure if this is what you were trying to ask, but nothing you put on the paint aside from clear bra or the like is going to prevent chips in the paint or anything like that.

Fix that rust spot ASAP.


A thread all about durable sealants and waxes!

05-22-2007, 12:05 PM
I would go with something simple. Either KAIO topped with P21S or JW Prime topped with JW AJT.