View Full Version : Streaking Glass.

05-13-2007, 05:49 PM
Im trying to clean my mothers windows on her 4runner today using Stoners Invisible Glass, but the damn thing just keeps streaking. I do not have this problem on our truck.

I tried using clean, brand new microfiber towels to buff after cleaning with Stoners IG, still streaking... This streaking pretty obvious too, not just a little.

Does Toyota Glass have some sorta sealant of some sort?

05-13-2007, 05:51 PM
No, not that I know of...Try just plain water and see if that helps. I had trouble with Stoners after using it for a while and switched to Eiman Fabrik Clea Vision II. Never had streaks again.

05-13-2007, 07:58 PM
I`ve found with Stoners that if you wipe it down with newspaper and rub it until its completely dry then the streaks don`t show through.

05-13-2007, 11:24 PM
FWIW, I had better luck with the Stoner`s Invisible Glass spray rather than the foam--not sure which you`re using though.

05-14-2007, 01:17 AM
I see this problem with many different glass cleaners and I work at a car wash where I clean windows everyday and found one way which works with a good average glass cleaner and regular microfiber.

First spray the window with the glass cleaner, don`t drown it with cleaner but make shore you have enough chemical to where you ain`t spending forever to remove the chemical and not to little where it drys straight away.

Just keep going back and forth and don`t let the chemical dry it`s self, you want the microfibers back and forth motion and pressure to buff the glass clean and dry.

No matter how many different chemicals you use or glass cloths or microfiber you use only way to really make glass streak free is by pretty much buffing it with a microfiber.

Once you done all windows, go over again with clean dry microfiber and clean any little streaks which still remain.

Again sometimes glass may seem streak free and clean but all it takes is the sun hitting it on the right angel to show streaks you missed. Also smokers cars are the worst so sometimes cleaning them one time well still won`t get them perfect but another good cleaning will.

Big Leegr
05-14-2007, 09:36 AM
I agree with the buff, buff, and buff some more thought.

Also, I have a few glass cleaners with different bases (vinegar, alcohol, "proprietary secret stuff" ;) ) and if one doesn`t work, I`ll follow with a different one. Sometimes the chosen glass cleaner won`t work perfectly on a particular film, but when used in conjunction with a different cleaner, you may be able to get it all clear.

05-14-2007, 09:43 AM
I always clean the glass and then go back and buff it later. Glass kills me. Also, if you are doing it outside the sun and heat could dry the cleaner too fast.

05-14-2007, 10:09 AM
Not to mention high humidity during these times and the coming months will cause streaking on paint and glass. I just experienced this 30 minutes ago after washing my car and cleaning windows. I was getting a LOT of streaking and had to go over the car twice after drying with QD and MF. I also had to do the windows twice with glass cleaner and MF as well. Im talking about streaking only visible in the sun at certain angles, in the garage there arent any visible streaks.

05-14-2007, 11:31 AM
Sometimes keeping the windows up with a glass polish every month makes those wipe downs with glass cleaner easier.

I have got the Domonic France Glass Cleaner and its very good and no streaking, i use this after washing and use AG Glass Polish one wash every other month.


05-14-2007, 11:53 AM
I always used to have this problem... here`s what I`ve come up with

You`ll need at least 4 WW MF towels

1) Go through with one WW and vinegar! This is really the key step that helps to knock out the "haze" which is responsible for so much streaking. I`ve come to believe that the streaks aren`t the product per-se but rather just incomplete cleaning. Stoner`s is really mostly isopropyl alcohol (judging my scent), so there`s no reason it should streak by itself. It would just evaporate.

2) Ok, after a through vinegar "mini bath"... go through with a dry WW

3) Do IG (or whatever other cleaner) as normal... one pass with a WW + product, then another dry WW

You could probably reduce the dry towels to one... but I prefer to just keep two separate towels.

I`ve also found its much easier to do non-tinted glass (like my roof and front windshield) with a Magic Eraser + vinegar FIRST. It really cuts through the heavy haze easily. Obviously, this isn`t an option for tinted glass.

Oh and the tint makes a big difference too as far as cleaning ease :D

Now... I should state this is the inside glass I`m talking about. Outside glass... I just try to dry off with a leafblower as quickly as possible. Outside glass is hopeless for me... its pretty much impossible to NOT get streaks if you physically touch it.

But at any rate... I hate, hate, hate doing glass; so I only do it maybe every 2-3 months. Yes, I know... I tell myself to do it weekly or whatever, but honestly - it just REALLY sucks.

05-14-2007, 01:10 PM
+1 on the vinegar. i have never had a problem by doing the following:

1. clean off majority of glass w/ ONR QD or standard wash

2. damp MF w/ white vinegar and wipe down

3. damp MF w/ water

4. dry MF to buff dry

05-14-2007, 01:13 PM
Does Toyota Glass have some sorta sealant of some sort?

Yes, they have hydrophilic(sp?) windows on front driver and passenger as well as the tailgate window. I own a 2002 4Runner and those three windows can be a pain, but whatever is on them seems to last forever.

oh and NXT glass cleaner works for mine.


05-14-2007, 01:19 PM
If you have access to clear vision II by eiman fabrik, it is definately worth a try. The stuff is amazing.

05-14-2007, 07:39 PM
I use NXT Glass Cleaner and a WW Glass Towel and have never had any problems with streaking.

But then, I make sure cleaning the glass is part of every single wash routine, and the car is not a daily driver so I`m sure this has a great deal to do with it.