View Full Version : elbow and wrist pain

Envious Eric
05-13-2007, 12:03 PM
how do you guys who detail all the time 5 days a week deal with the abuse your arm takes...I have had a couple of hard details back to back and I woke up today and my elbow and wrist are killing me...like painful!

any special braces or supports you like to use? I am not talking just taking some pills to ease the pain, I want to be able to use my arm in the future

imported_Tex Star Detail
05-13-2007, 04:49 PM
I think I am used to the aches and pains.

Nothing 500-1000 mg of Tylenol cannot fix...lol

05-13-2007, 06:48 PM
Your wrist, hand and arm with strengthen itself over time. I occasionally wear a wrist brace for stability but only when feeling fatige. You need to stretch the muscles and tendons in these regions to keep the range of motion and maintain decent circulation. If you feel that the pain is debilitating, I suggest seeking a professional opinion.

05-13-2007, 07:49 PM
Wrist pain there isn`t much you can do. However, the elbow pain can be fixed. Well maybe not fixed, but masked.

The pain in your elbow is the same pain as tennis elbow. If you got a tennis elbow strap and put pressure on your tendon just below your elbow, the pain should be gone like magic.

If it doesn`t work, then rotate the strap so that the pad is on the other side of the arm ( the pain could be golfer`s elbow).

You can pick up these straps at any sports equipment retailer or at a pharmacy like CVS or Longs Drugs.

05-13-2007, 08:25 PM
Hrm, I`ve actually never really had elbow/wrist pain. I often joke with people that us detailers have Popeye arms. I do frequently get back pain from bending, but that`s about it. I normally take a couple ibuprofen in the morning. Not the best solution, but until I get a lift it`s all I`ve got.

05-13-2007, 08:43 PM
Naproxin does it for me.....well it helps a bit.

05-13-2007, 09:38 PM
A good way to avoid any kind of pain is to limit your range of motion. Sometimes, stretching and bending to reach certain areas can result in injury to tendons and muscles.

Think about the motions you go through when you detail a vehicle and then try to figure out how you can improve the process in order to reduce your overall chance for injury.

Superior Shine
05-13-2007, 10:18 PM
My arms are completely torn up. It wakes me up at night. My arms fall asleep all the time while detailing, driving or any other number of activities.

I almost can`t stand the pain my arms feel 1/2 hour into a buffing session.

My doctor says, "Stop detailing"

If I could make the same money I do now doing something else that was easier on my arms, I would drop detailing tomorrow.

05-14-2007, 12:01 AM
:nixweiss I`ve never had any pain issues other than occassionally if I had wax a lot of cars my fingers get tired but not what you`d call painful.

05-14-2007, 01:26 AM
I`m sore quite a bit but mostly my back and knees from bending over (i should really get a mechanics stool). The arm pain goes away as you strengthen your muscles.

My trick? One of my regulars is a massage therapist. She gets a free detail; I get a free massage. Sounds fair to me. :D

05-16-2007, 03:39 PM
I don`t remember every having pain after, only some soreness in my shoulders, but my hands do cramp up bad in the middle of detailing.