View Full Version : 845 and CS

05-11-2007, 12:30 AM
Had two quickie details the other day... about 6-7 hours of work and got paid $255 all together.

So I tried collinite 845 for the first time and I must say WOW this was definitely a good buy! If only the sun was still up for my photos, this car looks TERRIFIC! Process was simple, wash, kAIO via white CCS pad, and then 845 via blue pad. The client wanted little work on the interior.




This client mainly wanted me to concentrate on his interior. Process:

1) Take out floor mats and vacuum everything including the HUGE portions of sand in the trunk. I really need to get the claw nozzle for my rigid!

2) CG leather cleaner followed by Smart Leather Conditioner on seats, vinyl, and appropriate panels (the conditioner looked nice on the air conditioning vents and such)

3) Rub down everything else with Megs APC

4) Vacuum + Megs APC & agitation + Revacuum`d the matts

Finished of with wash, kAIO via PC, and CS

05-11-2007, 01:05 AM
Both look really good, would love to see more pics. :)

05-11-2007, 01:13 AM
Both look really good, would love to see more pics. :)

Sun was pretty much set so I didn`t put forth much of an effort to take the photos, but thank you :) It seems the sun setting phenomena plagues me every time I want to take a photo :(