View Full Version : IPA Wipedown Necessary after polish?

05-10-2007, 03:54 PM
I`m planning to use a polish... probably Menzerna FPII or Optimum Polish with a white pad to just go over my entire vehicle before I switch to a carnuba.

I now have Zaino on the car and want to try something new.

Would I need to still do an IPA wipedown after the polishing? Would it be necessary to remove the Zaino or would the FPII or OP take care of it?

Thanks :)

05-10-2007, 04:17 PM
the polishing will take care of the zaino

only need the ipa to check and make sure you are removing the defects and not filling them

05-10-2007, 04:51 PM
Thanks very much Jim :)

I haven`t had as great a success at removing defects with the FPII as I have with the OP but I`m not really looking to remove any... just give the car a once-over with a polish and finishing pad.

Would you recommend FPII or the Optimum?

05-10-2007, 04:59 PM
Polish even with something as mild as a finishing polish like FP will remove any LSP on a vehicle.

05-10-2007, 09:04 PM
..I`m not really looking to remove any [defects]... just give the car a once-over with a polish and finishing pad.

Would you recommend FPII or the Optimum?

I`d go with the FPII. Least aggressive way to get the job done, probably the easier of the two for a quick once-over too.

05-10-2007, 10:12 PM
Thanks Accumulator I`ll do that :)

Mr. Vapor
07-12-2009, 12:32 PM
I`ve been on a bandwidth saving kick lately.....

I`m getting ready to polish my car with the following set up:

PG (if necessary)




***At this point is it necssary to do an IPA wipe down (x2?) ****

DodoJuice Purple haze LSP

***Is there any final product i should do to help bring out more wetness in my Carbon Black M3?****

So i guess my questions are: Is an IPA wipedown 100% necessary before my LSP Wax, or will the wax oils be fine with condition my polish has left the paint in?

After the purplehaze, is there anything you would recommend to help bring out that last bit of wetness and depth?

07-12-2009, 12:35 PM
Mr. Vapor, an IPA wipedown, in your case, isn`t 100% necessary. If you were going to be applying a sealant, I`d say you should to insure maximum bonding. But since you`re going to be using a wax, the IPA wipedown isn`t necessary if you`re aren`t interested in seeing if you achieved the correction you *thought* you did; Menz polishes can hide defects, which is one of the reasons for doing an IPA wipedown.

Personally, I`d let the Purplehaze stand on it`s own with no topper.

Edit: I`d also consider changing your very last polishing step... since you`re going to be using PO106FF, I would follow that with Final Polish II. FPII will give you even more gloss than PO85RD will, especially on that semi-soft BMW paint.