View Full Version : Please help, having a little problem with a repaint

05-06-2007, 10:08 PM
Brief prelude, I took a job with a guy with a repainted 7 series that a few of you might remember...car is a 2000 7 series, repainted by a guy who works in a body shop who did this on the side in a warehouse...

I got the car, took some pics and proceeded to use Optimum Compound with an orange cutting pad at speed 6 and then Optimum Polish on a white polishing pad at speed 6. I used fourstar upp to seal it, but the next morning I found pollen on the car so I gave it a quick once over with Duragloss AW. We inspected the car and drove off, handed the keys to his wife and the all was said and done...

Tonight I get a phone call saying I buffed off his paint...I go to take a look because there was no way that could`ve happened..

He tells me he bought top of the line german paint and clear coat and it was cleared twice...so I look at the car and in the dark there was obviously paint on it, now I take out the brinkmann and shine the line, all I good...I really get close to the paint and I could see some haze in the paint. I asked him what happened and he said he took it to the car wash and someone there pointed it out...so I said maybe they sprayed something on it. He says no, someone else noticed it a few days earlier...so I agree to take a better look at it in the sun..

The car was painted in a warehouse by a painter doing it as a side job, he was asked to fix the car cause it had burn marks and buffer trails all over the car...its been about a year since that, what I would like to know is if I could have caused this? He thinks its one of my polishes or waxes reacting to the paint...I took a pic that ill have up later but can anyone give me some insight on what could have happened? Maybe I didn`t buff enough of the paint out? Or maybe something chemical happened? Or maybe its just a bad paint job as evident by him explaining it to be painted in some warehouse not designed to do paint jobs in.

05-06-2007, 10:17 PM
Maybe !? weak paint like u thought or paint didn`t seal and at the car wash something happened!. It wouldn`t take much with some of the products they use!.

05-06-2007, 10:24 PM
What was your LSP? I agree that it could have easily been a bad paint job.


05-06-2007, 10:38 PM
What was your LSP? Greg

what`s LSP ?

05-06-2007, 10:39 PM

Thats the only pic I could get to show the haziness/cloudyness..

05-06-2007, 10:39 PM
If it happened prior to doing the job, wouldnt you have noticed it when you inspected the paint? And you would think you would have noticed this after the job was done.

05-06-2007, 10:41 PM
Fourstar UPP and then a once over the next day with Duragloss.

05-06-2007, 10:47 PM

Here are some before and after...

When I first had the car it had dew on it, I wiped it off and the paint looked cloudy even after I wiped so I figured it was some oxidized paint...I drove on the highway for a minute and the haze/dew was gone when I took the first pics and didn`t see it...I buffed the car and shined 1000w work lights and my brinkmann on it and didn`t see that stuff, now a week later I took that last pic and thats what I see.

I`m just really stumped as to what could have happened...

05-07-2007, 01:24 PM
Hard to say what happened :nixweiss

Year-old paint oughta be stable so I don`t think that`s the problem. The linked thread shows it looking good when you were finished.

Could the OP have left polishing oils on the surface that compromised the bonding of the UPP?

Could the AW have messed up the UPP?

It looks like you can see ellipitcal/circular marks in the hazing...maybe it was a case of a bad wash/dry. This is *my* #1 guess, but it *is* a guess. It looks like the AW and UPP got compromised and there`s a hazy film on the surface instead of shiny LSP (J.D.- LSP= Last Step Product, i.e., wax or sealant).

I`d repolish with something mild that leaves a clean (and perfect) finish. FWIW I`m not convinced that OP is the last word in polishes at least not until one "masters" its use. Once it`s looking good again, redo the LSP. I wouldn`t top the UPP with AW, if only because I`d want to limit the variables. Get it OK. Then tell him you want to do the next wash and see how that goes. FWIW it`s not all *that* unusual for my UPP to need refreshed mighty soon, so I dunno if that`s what I`d put on a client`s car (I`d Collinite it instead but that`s just me).