View Full Version : Glaze to me = Oils / Sealants Incompatiable

05-06-2007, 08:54 PM
I`m a bit confused.....to me a glaze is a *product* in which the oils are mainly used to fill and add gloss.

Now, their are other glazes on the market that term themselves as acrylic based....and suggest that they play well with sealants.

Now if the oils are generally what I would think is what a glazes is comprised of.....to me, ANY sealant would not bond properly or the durability of it would be greatly dimished due to the fact that the oils is the underlying base.

So........has anyone used these so called Arcylic glazes and topped it off with a sealant and had decent compatibility ?

David Fermani
05-06-2007, 09:30 PM
There`s alot of different kinds of glazes out there. Most of the glazes I use are abrasive and also have a certain content of oil. I`ve topped them all with paint sealants and have never really noticed any incompatibility issues. I use product line and I believe they are all made to be interchanged with one another. You might have more of a variance when mixing different product lines together. I`ve never used any that were acrylic based, so I`m not sure on that.

05-07-2007, 09:42 AM
not sure

but I know that EX-P works well over VM/RMG

05-07-2007, 02:32 PM
I used Danase Wet Glaze under AJT last week. Seems to be doing just fine. Will know for sure after a wash this evening.

Big Leegr
05-07-2007, 03:22 PM
Prima Amigo (glaze) works well under Prima Epic (sealant)-over 4 months of beading/good looks/non-recurring cobwebbing.